I need guidance with my defence team

So I am certainly c2p. Feel like slowly my luck has grown. Didn’t receive a 5* for first 10 months and that was magni. Pulled him to 70 as soon as, bypassing grimm boril kiril and sonya to max level. I already had triton maxed not knowing just how long it would be until I would actually max magni.

5 months later I have 5 telescopes 4 rings 5 tonics only 1 :cry: dart and 4 tabbards but nobody to use the tabbards on yet :frowning:

So I’m thinking my best possible defense team would be something along the lines of heimdall (certainly), magni, costume rigard, Marjana and then stuck between joon and costume viv (not going to need to worry about that for a while) so will likely use mist, as my other holy heroes are the underwhelming 4*'s. Mist problem not really a defender either but she takes Hansels emblems right? Defensive route?

Dont have a clue which order they will go in or whether I am missing something crucial in them possible line-ups.

I’ve mentioned all my 5* in my roster. Will they get me into diamond or had I best wait for s2, s3 or challenge event heroes instead?

My current defence team Tib+12/BT+10/wu kong+7(laughable)/costume rigard/triton

Can you post a screen of your roster?

Doesnt seem to want to let me.

Or list of your 5* and 4* heroes with levels?

Heimdall 2/20 magni 3/70 Mariana 1/40 joon 1/1 costume viv 1/1 that’s my 5*

Maxed 4* mist, BT costume bonus, Costumed rigard, Triton, Tib, Hansel, Wu, Li Xiu, Scarlett, Proteus, kashrek, grimm

3/60 sonya, skittles, caedmon, Peters, kiril, Kelile, BT, colen, cyprian

1/1 costume melendor, tib, stonecleave, boomer, rigard, boril, kiril and wu

If you do not have mats, I will run Scarlett-C.Rigard-LiXiu-Hansel-Triton.

Is it worth focusing on those legendaries for when I do have mats. I wont make diamond anytime soon nor will i drop into gold not too fussy about my defence atm. Basically who should I go for next between costumed viv and joon? I usually finish top on the titan we only beat 6 or 7* so i cant do much to improve that other than change alliance

@Punn193, for legendaries I would go
Magni-Heimdal-Marjana-Joon (and sniper purple like Sartana in left wing). If you are c2p, you can donate to Valhalla 3 and do Valhalla x10 to get Clarissa.

C.Vivica is also good, but her role on defence overlaps with Heimdal’s, so I would ascend Joon first, then Vivica second.

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