I need an anti-Guin strategy

I am tracking all of my raids in the month of August so that the usage rates for my heroes can guide my emblem decisions. One trend I can already plainly see: I’m dodging Guinevere tanks. I have fought 92 raids so far this month, and only TWO have been against Guinevere. Even accounting for a lesser share of tank duty post-emblems, that’s ridiculous. I don’t re-roll, but I allow myself to choose my current matchup or a revenge; I must be declining to fight her in many circumstances.

Anecdotally, I know I struggle against her. I think it is time for me to address this weakness in my roster. Help me out?

Normal Attack vs. Guinevere

Mother North +6
Proteus +17 (def/HP)
Varying hero depending on flank, with most likely being Buddy +14 or Mitsuko +7

Alternative Options

Proteus (a second one, at +0)
Other four star purples that are likely not relevant (e.g., Cyprian, Merlin, etc.)

I’m going to be very reluctant to pull Mother North, but it’s worth mentioning a few other heroes I have in case anyone wants to argue for a 3/2 stack that doesn’t involve her. Assume I have all classic four star heroes, as well as Gravemaker, Frida, Aegir, Evelyn, Onatel, and Leonidas. Is there a case for a 3/2 purple red with GM and Mitsuko (N.B. no healer in this configuration)?

Can Max

A duplicate of any hero I already have (including Seshat!) or Thoth, if that will help. I do NOT have anyone else. There’s a small chance I draw Panther in a few days, but let’s assume this is what we’re working with. Should I attempt to attack with double Seshat?


Should I emblem Rigard and put him in the lineup? For me, the biggest problem with that is that Mother North has claimed most of my Cleric emblems, and she is vital to my success in basically every raid, map, war, defense, etc. I don’t need to track my raids to report her usage rate: it’s 100%.

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Mom Sabsy Proto Sesh Sesh

The get rid of Guin team…


Seshat is immune to Gwen so I would double Seshat if you could


I’m a big fan of the double Seshat idea + Proteus. Beyond that I’d say build your other two spots off of the rest of your target’s heroes.

Good luck!

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Nothing can stop Guinevere! Move along, re-roll, nothing to see here (leave my cups be).


against guin I always go mono dark (kage-proteus-tibs-rigard-amoenna, sometimes her ghost turns are gold), firing everything into her, let her heal the already healed and looking for having 4 tiles for her, which you may need even in mono to get her down. That all depends on the friends she brings with her of course, 2 gravemakers are no fun, then I go mono blue (Frida-Grimm-kiril-aegir-Triton). Works for me, not all the time of course, but I don’t wanna have a 15 minutes fight with her) Same for kunchen, he too needs 4 holy tiles in mono (jackalx2, guin, musashi, Ranvir). I hate Aegir much more to go against :slightly_smiling_face:


I’d agree! I love going against healer tanks because it allows me to focus on a target. Aegir is one of my least favorite tanks to go against right now, but that’s mostly because I don’t have any any green 5* yet besides Margaret :cry:

My go to Anti-guin team involves a 3 stack of Hel+ Panther + Rigard. I also often bring a gravemaker along to the party as these days the guins I face are emblemed at +7 with extra defense and health so the gravemaker going off early and burning that evil witch after sinking 6 purple tiles is key.

2nd strategy.

Stack 4 against the hardest flank and bring Cheshire to untank her.


I have to go mono myself, and yeah, that usually kills the Guin for me, then it depends on if I can snipe off the second highest priority before inevitably running into a purple drought.

This is my anti-Guin team.


Hansel, Gretel, Proteus to avoid her using her special, Seshat to hurt her and debuff in case she uses the special


My panther, alby, kage, ariel, hel stack has been very successful against her.

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Since i don´t reroll anymore i have learned to not fear a healer tanks spezial, let her fire, as long as you can control when. :upside_down_face:

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My Guin attack team is 2 GMs, Panther, Hel and Sartana. (I will soon be replacing Sart with Sesh though. Just need one more Tabard.)

Since that’s not useful for most people (since most people lack Panther, Hel, and GM, let alone 2 GMs)…

For you, I’d say MN, 2x Sesh, Prot, Tibs. I’d also say to make getting a mana troop to level 23 a priority, although there’s not much you can do to that end except grind.

I don’t think brining a purple healer is too useful against Guin, especially if you’re already bringing MN (or any other non-purple healer, really). If you get the purple tiles early, you won’t need healing much. If you don’t, that purple healer will likely be dead before it can fire anyway. (And if it’s not dead by then, it’s probably because your non-purple healer already healed!)

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MN-Proto-Proto/Rigard(+1) and double Seshat is very good anty-guin team IMO

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This is what I run. 3 tiles kill her up to +8. I’d double up Sesh for your crew.

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I used this often against Guin, 3 -4 vertical tiles and she pops, afterwards with more lucky ghost tiles the average mana crews on the right charge the same time, from there on divide and conquer!

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Here an example of what I said about Hansel against Guin


Stack purple and laugh your fool head off when RNGesus blesses you.


Yeah that works great when you get a green diamond but if your board is constantly red, blue or yellow good luck. Lol nice board

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