tl;dr I have a solid stable of heroes - should I just bank (i.e., do not collect the feeders) until I draw a high quality hero?
Expanding slightly: I’m really at a loss. For the first time since I started playing the game I really have no leveling plan. I have a number of unfed heroes, but I don’t think any of them add to my roster significantly. At most I think they would make very small tweaks to very specific (and rare) raid tournament setups and unlikely war scenarios. I appreciate any advice! Bonus points if you explain why.
- Titans: my teams are set and reasonably good for each element.
- War: I have nine-ish heroes in each element at level 70 or better. So I can make a number of credible attacks against even tank color coordinated alliances and still have enough heroes left to finish up with multiple strong mono teams.
- Three stars: I have five plus in each element.
- Summoning plan: EHT stash is for the Halloween event, during which I hope to add Kingston, Victor, and Valeria. Beyond that the only near future summoning I intend to do is a 10 pull during the next Wonderland or Grimforest event. One TC 20 running.
(these heroes are maxed, some have emblems)
Gravemaker and Mitsuko
Falcon and Lacelot
Scarlett, Colen, and Gormek
Options are to max Santa Claus, Anzogh, a duplicate of any four star listed above or Sumitomo.
Fire is probably the big question as I can actually add a quality hero here.
Frida and Aegir
Two Kiril
Boril, Sonya, and two Grimm
Options are to bump Rumpelstiltskin or Thorne to 3.70 (cannot max either), or max a duplicate of any four star listed above or Agwe.
Ice I’m looking at more long term, as if I ascend a five star I’d look to max them later. I don’t mind the randomness of Danzaburo or Wu Kong, so Rumpelstiltskin doesn’t scare me off. Thorne could possibly displace Grimm on my anti-red tank team, which would give me the option to strip Grimm’s emblems and give them to Gravemaker. I probably wouldn’t do this, but it’s an option.
Mother North and Evelyn
Two Melendor
Caedmon, Little John, and Skittleskull
Options are to bump Morgan le Fay or Horghall to 3.70 (cannot max either), or max a duplicate Caedmon, Kashhrek, or Gobbler.
Kadilen is at 3.70 and gets tonics when I have enough if I don’t get Kingston (unless I bump Morgan up and decide to max her ahead of Kadilen).
Onatel and Leonidas
Wu Kong, Li Xiu, and Hu Tao
Options are to bump Justice to 3.70 (cannot max), or max Chao or a duplicate Wu Kong, Li Xiu, or Danzaburo.
Joon is one dart away from being maxed (unless I land Neith first), so Justice would wait a long time. I honestly am considering a duplicate Wu Kong for a late war hit as I like to gamble and most of my teams rely on tile play anyway.
Two Seshat
Rigard and Sabina
Merlin and Jabbar
Tiburtus and Cyprian
Two Protei and Ameonna
Options are to max duplicates: another Proteus, Rigard, Sabina, Tiburtus, or Ameonna.