I keep summoning the same 2 5stars valhalla heroes - bug or very bad luck?

Since the beginning of the 3rd season in the game I summoned many times during the Valhalla monthly event and the only valhalla 5 star heroes I can get are Sif and Freya. I have 3 Sifs and 3 Freyas. No other valhalla 5star hero.
I can understand that the chance of getting a 5star hero is very low and I can live with that. But how utterly low is the chance of getting the same two heroes for 3 times each - AND no other valhalla 5stars hero at all? Given that getting one random valhalla 5stars hero has only 1.3% chance of success, how thinner is the chance to get the same two heores for thee times each? I am simply fed up with trying to get a DIFFERENT valhalla 5stars hero, as it is clear that the game will give me only some other Sifs and Freyas


Its just as strange as 2 members of my alliance getting 2 Odin’s TWICE in two different 10 pulls. I don’t get it.

Did the members of your alliance ever get any other 5stars valhalla hero? How weird would it be if from now on they could only get Odin? No matter how many summons the made, they would get only Odin for ever. Well I can get only Sifs and Freyas… and it sucks!
I do have many double 5stars heroes form the first season, but I’ve been playing for well over 2 years now and the first season heroes are present in every temple to be pulled. This doesn’t happen with Atlantis of Valhalla or any other event heroes, so pulling a double or triple 1st season hero is very easy if compared to the other seasons/events.

I’ve not summoned any 5 Star Valhalla heroes, so I’d call that good luck :nerd_face:


I summoned 4 months without any Valhalla 5*. So i’d call it lucky and unlucky at the same time for you. :rofl:


I’ll be glad to have a Sif and a Freya, but then I’ll start getting worried too if every Valhalla pull, they are the onlly 5* I keep getting…can’t think of anything but RNG…

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I am pretty worried actually! What is RNG? I wrote to the support guys at SmallGint and I’m waiting for a reply, but I was wondering if I’m the only one with the same issue

Yesterday a guildmate and me with single coin pulls both got Fura. I have done 3 Valhalla single coin puls and summoned Almur, Mist and Fura.

Anche io 2 Heimdall e 2 Norne. Fortunatamente ieri è uscita Frigg…

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Weird, same here…every time I do a Valhalla summon I get the same two heroes too!

Prisca and Berden :grin:


Me too, but with Atlantis… I have only 2x Poseidon and 2x Ursena, no other Atlantis heroes.
And only 1x Gefjon with Valhalla heroes so far.

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Random Number Generator, the supposed engine that drives the randomness in this game I guess.

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Rigged Number Generator allegedly!


I have summoned 6 Sifs. 5 off coins, 1 in a 10 pull.

Not a bug, just RNG being RNG

Yeah, it’s a bad luck, at least I hope so. I was in a similar situation.
1st: Fenrir (yes, first ice legendary hero!)
2nd: Hemdall (WOOOOW!)
3rd: Fenrir (ok, do I really need second?)
4th: Heimdall (hm, maybe some day?)

My 5th was Norns. Not overwhelmed by her, but at least she’s not Fenrir or Heimdall. :joy:
Now I’ve got Sif, too. So, it’s gonna change, eventually. :man_shrugging:t2:

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3x Heimdalls !
what could support the theory here to become suspicious in this context
then long time nothing and finally …
1x Skadi
1x Gefjon

Cheers everyone, All best in All your pulls !

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This has such probability because you summoned every month when S3 began, of course. Having dupe heroes as a detriment, I learned this lesson early on when Atlantis came in 2018. I have 3 Mitsukos, 2 Ariels and several dupe S1 legendaries mostly sacrificed already at the Hero Academy. Good thing I was able to caught it on early but at the price of not getting Ursena and Tarlak. And I don’t care about Mok-Arr and Missandra. I did mention in several of my posts to various threads in the forum that I will only summon when all S3 heroes appear already, though I made some summoning every 2-3 months using only some of my hoarded free Valhalla Coins to try my luck getting some of the desired heroes, i.e. Frigg, Alfrke and Heimdall.

Keep summoning each month in the Valhalla portal and don’t be surprised getting your 4th or 5th or even 6th Siff and/or Freya. At least you have a high value feeder for your better heroes or hero to be retrained at the Hero Academy to get a chance of getting missing S1 heroes.

Still waiting for my 1st S3 legendary though. Maybe next year.

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I got 2 Fura in a raw. And 2 of my alliance members got a Fura as well. Everybody Fura this time.

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Bad luck is to summon over 60 times like me (over time since S3 started) and get only 1 5hero. And over 80 times Atlantis with no 5 hero.

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I also keep getting the same heros. I am not even getting the monthly hero as many times as i draw. I have purchased to summon a lot and nothing but the same. Something is wrong.

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