I have many tanks and don't know what to pick

Hello, I don’t really have much snippers but tanks.
I don’t know what to pick for my defense team.

I have Guinevere 3/70
Ares 3/70
Boss Wolf 4/14
Deliah 4/80

They are just competing each others so I just stopped feeding them. I’m probably gonna give rings to Ares and feed him since he is useful in offense team.

I was gonna give poison darts to Guinevere but I am a bit reluctant now. I know Guinevere is the queen of tanks but since boss wolf is fully ascended, should I just give the darts to Drake Fong and put him next to Boss wolf?

Heimdall’s skill would go well along Boss wolf…right?

Any comments?

I think Drake will be more versatile in your case. Guin is purely def oriented hero. If you have a decent tank such as wolf, I’d skip Guin for now.

Every defense will lose, no matter what you put in there. Besides, winning or losing there does not mean much, as long as you can stay in diamond. Offense etc is where you have fun in this game. Drake will help maximizing that fun.


Awesome comment, thanks! :smile: