I can't get my account retrieved after switching phones

I switched from android to iOS

I need to retrieve my account - how Can I?

If you using an ipad, then the information should have been saved in Game Center. You will need to make sure that you are logged into the original game center account to access the E&P account that was originally started on the ipad. What iOS is running on the iPad? This will determine how you manage the Game Center. It will be either through an app, or iOS 10 or higher it’s accessed through the main settings for the ipad.

Hopefully this gives you guys something something to try!

But I absolutely encourage you to use this link to follow up with Small Giant’s support team directly. https://smallgiant.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new8 This is the best way to get your issue resolved!

Also, please include your game name for the account you want retrieved here in this thread. It will help Petri and RubiKinga to know which support ticket is yours from the reports sent to the zendesk link.

Let us know how you make out!

Originally a answer from Coppersky that I borrowed:-)

You need to contact support and give them your gamecenter and googleplay accounts, so they can link the account to game center.

There’s a recent post by Small Giant that will give you the details of doing a transfer between platforms. It gives specific information that you should include in your support ticket to speed up the recovery process. :grinning: