I am very happy to repeat it again. Zynga cheats players

It is really embarrassing to see you not even seeing the flaw in their business model. It is illegal gambling. He is absolutly right with almost everything and your points are on a very basic level. Don’t post, if you post nonsense like that.

First of all we have freedom of speech! If someone voices their opinion in a polite manner without discriminating or trolling others its absolutely ok, wether you like it or not.
I agree that we could or better should have a few minor improvements, but in general the odds are the same over the last years, bigger adjustments have the potential to destroy the game, and there is no big error margin.
Some optimizations were done, e.g. more trainer heroes and less S1 in some portals. But the same people crying for removal of S1 heroes were complaining! For me there is no difference between a Dawa and the sixth Vollermork or Gramps. They are all feeders. Newbies might get a few 3* heroes faster but then the duplicates keep comming, thats inevitable, and the point where progress in this game slows significantly down comes earlier. Not good for the longevity of the game.
Here are my thoughts for optimization: from S6 onward replace S1 heroes with trainers. A newer player has to best a lot of stages until he could open S6 snd should have a good core of 3* heroes to do it, no need for additional s1 draws.
Second allow 4* and 5* S1 heroes for summons with grey token. Make it 0.3% for a 4* and 0.1% for a 5* and give a 0.1% chance for the HotM.
That would not disturb the game economy and would help newer and ftp players a little bit.
Third: Merge S2 to S4 summoning coins to one „old season“ coin.
Then lets have the actual and the season before it as event plus portal, and an old season event like Atlantis rising for four days with guaranteed coin drops from special monsters. All old maps should be open with reduced WE and improved loot. So we should have space in the calendar for S6 and new content. The old seasons portal should have all the older S2-S4 heroes without S1.
Alternatively take the S2 heroes out of this portal and put them in costume chamber.

Happy gaming


That’s hard to swallow… reaching level 65 takes a lot of work… years for a f2p. So, TC 20 and HA10 should be already available to him or her for a while now… not having a 5* in every color would be either extreme bad luck, like never seen before, or poor game mangement decisions…

Amen to that! We’re all here to talk, exchange opinions, whatever they are.

Never claimed their Business model is great or perfect. That is your assumption because I don’t agree with your nonsense and getting upset you don’t get what you want from a couple of free pulls. It’s a free society and a business can do what they want so long as it doesn’t break laws. You can choose to utilize it (and you do since you play the game) or walk away if it’s not on par with your “morals”.

Really? Is it illegal? Can you link to any information that claims gatcha to be illegal in countries they operate in and offer micro transactions?

Yea, I’m gonna laugh at your suggestion and chalk it up to someone being upset for not being satisfied with a free product they’re using and feels taken for a ride by a couple of free pulls. Cheerio mate!

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We can kind of project how many summons per year a person can do if they fully participate and finish every event. But, not everyone is going to participate/finish everything. Not everyone is going to spend for summons. So…

Let’s consider a range of 100 to 200 summons per year for a player two years in . I think most portals have appearance rates slightly below 4%. If actual results mirror stated odds, that’s roughly 4 to 8 legendary heroes per year. 8 to 16 legendary heroes for a 2-year player. So what is the probability of getting 4 out of the 5 colors (0.8) over 8 or 16 summons:

0.8^8 = 0.17 (or 17% lacking one color)
0.8^16 = 0.03 (or 3% lacking one color)

I can understand a 2-year player without a rainbow 5* team. I’ve known a couple myself.

I wish your friend the best of luck on their future summons.

You forgot TC20.
You can build TC20 after 8-10 months in the game. Assume the player had two Tc20 after one year, and runs them for one year, that would be additional 360 pulls, with a 5% probability.

Happy gaming

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A TC20, or two, as you suggested could be used in the calculation. I purposely omitted them. And, here’s why:

-Not everyone is as organized/informed as you or I. We don’t all play the game the same way or even approach long-term strategy from the same angle. Not all people aggressively update their buildings.
-Some FTP players I know didn’t even use TC20 prior to SE. I have been part of discussions where some advised against using TC20 (typically spenders). My advice and your advice may be identical, but our advice won’t be heard by more than a small fraction of the player base.
-most see little value in S1 legendaries as suitable ascendable heroes. If someone received Justice from TC20 as their 1st yellow 5*, would you advise that person to ascend Justice? Purely rhetorical, as each person has their own circumstances, but my general answer would be “no”.

I don’t honestly know whether my two friends used TC20. I do know that they each lacked a legendary hero in one color around level 60.

Takes only 3 months to build a tc20 for a f2p player that can plan the route.

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I’d like to see that plan… but I doubt you could provide it.

Not possible. Im 2.5 months in and with extensive planning and no time or resource waste im just up to stronghold 17

Get those invites going to unlock free VIP, Gain resources trough unlocking all outposts on the s1 map, keep pushing stronghold, iron storages and watchtower up and farm suitable spots on the map. Iuse the free gems gained to complete buildings when they are low on on the clock. I had 2 tc20 running 3 months in. i focused on SH, watchtower, iron storage, mines to get those tc’s up, my other buildings like farms forges and barracks were under developed. I got the food storages and houses prepped enough for researching and start running the camps simultaneously as they were done

I hadn’t factored in VIP from the invites… but just the 2 TCs, the stronghold, the iron and food storages required would be more than 140 days’ worth of build time (70 if you ran 2 builders the whole time). That is not factoring in upgrading any mines or farms or the watchtower. And with such low resources how would you be able to always have enough resources not to have down time (especially considering running 2 builders in parallel)? No upgrading of heroes? No world progression on account of not having access to any forge-made items? I just can’t see it as possible. 4 months might just be doable if you followed your plan.

I used alarm timers, reset chest timers when they were low, filled them quickly, elemental chests were popping up every 3-4 days, gained lots of gems trough those, missions and invites. I pulled ranvir the 2nd month, s1 was completed quickly by that. farmed s1 13-6 on auto to shave flags to time the generation to be full when quest appeared. I filled tc 4 when i for that with recruits and food, and moved them over to tc 11 and 12 later and kept building up a huge stockpile till i hit 20. I used the free gems to cut down building timers, the cost to speed up building goes down proportional after about 50% timer on them is done.

…wait, what? If you are constantly spending gems to hurry the monster and raid chests (and the latter isn’t going to be much fun without devoting resources to developing an actual roster and not just buildings), I’m not sure that just saving the few gems from monster and raid chests (say, 5-10 per day) wouldn’t be more efficient than running negative net gems on regular chests to catch the occasional elemental.

Also, i do not believe its possie to consistently get elemental chests that often. Even speeding up every single chest. The occasional one at 4 days but otherwise usually around a week inbetween

I, once, built 5 Tc 20 within 7 days. I figured, God made the world in 7 days, I should be able to upgrade a few buildings… and on day 6 I was done with the 4th TC20… so, with one day left and nothing else to do, I messed around with the source code a bit and converted a lvl 3 forge to a 5th TC 20… this was a winning move, as now I have a steady supply of Renfelds and Dawas… definitely worth the 5.436.324.537 gems I bought to speed up the timers… got to leave you guys, the eviction team is gonna take my computer away now. Have a grea


I second that, I open (nearly) four chests a day, on weekends or if I am out of tourney early, its sometimes only three. And a titan chest every 5 days!
I tracked the elemental chests for nearly two years, my average between two chests is 8.2 days!
In this time I had two times chests with only 4 days apart, and once a chest after 15 days. So its not very reasonable someone is able to have an elemental chest every 4 days, and its irrelevant! You need hundreds of gems to shorten the building times significantly. The gems would have been better spend for summons or to buy hero space. If someone does not do many map stages, he is not levelling up fast and gets less free hero space. All in all I have to concede the credibility of this is not very high. If I am wrong I apologise. I did the 20 free vip thingy, did make the one or other detour and had my first TC20 operational after 7 months, shave off two months because I took some detours, maybe another month If you stay really focussed on building Tc20, but below that is impossible except for heavy spending, and that would be a waste of gems.

Happy gaming

Back when I started, the elemental chests popped up several times a week, the gems gotten from them was enough to keep a loop going to keep resetting and get more elemental chests. Mats in them were regular thing. Today it’s different. I checked and they added new tutorial stuff for new players. There’s a lot of tricks to boost an account from day one and effectively reach tc20 in 3 months still

I fill 3 or 4 monster chests a day, and elemental is roughly every 10 days