Hunter - 5* Dark / Purple from Shadow heroes

Just a recommendation, do not use him as a tank unless flanked by heroes immune to Insanity. I fought this setup in war recently (not Ancient Terror War). First time Hunter fired but did not manage to kill anybody from my team. Second time his Insanity procced and he killed himself, as he was, being a tank, weakened enough. This of course gave 100 Insanity to flanks, one of which, Verus, then put the rest of team near the grave (a little push was required, but still).

The best position for him is wing, definitely. Even if he kills himself only one hero goes insane, and that spot can be filled by someone resisting Insanity.

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Just pull this Guy with free coins of the event. I have dularfulr Who is waiting for 3 missing tabards. Any thoughts on which one to level first ?


No bonus draws but still happy to pull him. If used strategically I think he can be great on offense. Definitely not a hero to put on defense, at least in my opinion. You want to control where and when he fires


Hunter is great with other snipers to get his insanity to proc. I use him often on offense.

Dulafurl is someone Iā€™m leveling now. Great for both offense and defense, I think.

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