My alliance Howlers of the Bloodmoon is looking for new members in order to scale up our offense with titans and wars. We have a dedicated team and we are very active. We share spreadsheets with stats after each war to point out opportunities for individual improvement.
We are currently killing 8* titans on the regular but we have difficulty with 9*s due to lack of members and so we need new strong members of at least 3300+ power in order to climb the ranks.
We also care very much about wars and so we ask for players with at least 3300+ teams in order to participate to wars.
If you are looking for a new home feel free to drop by and get to know us. We are looking forward to seeing you
I’m currently thinking of leaving my current alliance due to lack of participation. I have two accounts, both have main teams of 3400 or higher. Would I be able to join with both?
I wouldn’t see any problem with that. We’ll be glad to have you. Join us when you’re ready (btw we may have the alliance on “invite only” due to war so either let me know your char names so I accept you or try after the war when we usually open up our recruitment).
Thanks for coming back to me so fast and see you in the chat.
Hi community! My alliance Howlers of the Bloodmoon is looking for new blood to play alongside. We are looking for active members who hit titans regularly and burn all flags in war. We could benefit from players of 3300+ power so if you are looking for a new place feel free to jump in and introduce yourself.