How to improve War Matchmaking for Alliance?

I have been tracking the War Matchmaking data from our past four Wars and here is what I know. We have 25 members in the War. All have been with our Alliance for several months so all have the same win/loss data. We have lost six out of the past 10 wars. The majority the opposing Alliances have an average on field Team Power defense strength that is around +150 from our on field average.

Our defensive TP on field is around 4,150 and the opposing Alliances have an average TP on the field of around 4,300. I have read the Developer’s response on matchmaking and know that your War Score is determined by your 30 strongest heroes (5 strongest weighted) + 5 strongest Troops. I have seen a majority of our Alliance Members rosters and we are fielding a majority of our Best Tanks and strongest heroes.

So here is my question:

What can we work on as an Alliance to get the matchups to swing our way? In other words, how should we work on our Troops and Heroes Levels so that we can start to have Team Defense strengths that are 150 greater than the Alliance’s we are facing.

Any thoughts, comments or ideas are welcome.


First you’re one win away from what would essentially be perfect matchmaking on a limited sample.

Beyond that I’ve always assumed depth is the answer. If matchmaking is based off of our top 30 heroes, then there will be a big difference between a player with exactly 30 heroes and and a player with those same 30 heroes, but then plenty more that are all near substitutes to that 30th hero.
As I’ve gained depth I don’t use my off color heroes much.

There are other things that I do from time to time such as only leveling heroes and troops after matchmaking.

In the end there isn’t much you can do. If you win, you’ll get a harder alliance next time. It’s a cycle.


Are you using any strategy other than coordinated tanks? This could play a factor in the results you are getting. We will between 60 to 70% of our wars.

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We do well on offense but the opponent does about 3 pts better per flag mainly because our defensive teams are 150 points weaker on average. If we both have the same War Scores for matchups how do we turn that around. In other words how do we get our Alliance’s defense Team Power to be 150 more or even with the Alliance we are paired up against. We have about 8 members with defenses below 4000 and those are there 5 strongest heroes. They are so easy for the opposing Alliance to kill twice before starting to flip us it is not even funny.

So my main question remains is there a way to compose your Alliance so you can at least get a matchup with an Alliance with similar defensive strength as our members? Something is not right when we are continuelly matched against Alliances with much stronger teams. Heck we can’t even coordinated Tanks yet because there is not a single color that we have enough strong same color Tanks in. The only thing I can think of is that the other Alliances have figured out a way to best align their 30 strongest heroes and Troops.

Is it better to just have 5 really strong heroes and a much weaker 25? There has to be something that is different in the composition of our Heroes, compared to the last four Alliances we faced as our War Scores have basically been the same each time. I am not asking how to win a War I am asking how to Level Up your defense and bench Heroes and Troops so you can match up with similar strength defenses? There have only been one or two teams for our weakest eight members to attack in the past four Wars and this is no fun for them. Heck their bench heroes are barely strong enough to take our one or two max level 5 star stragglers. Why doesn’t the opposing Alliance have only 2 to 4 teams less then 4000 while we have 8 Teams on the board less than 4000. The difference is too great to overcome.

i agree with @Ruskin505 in that 6/10 losses is actually so close to 50% and matchmaking is intended for wins/losses to more or less be 50/50 anyway.

Correct me if i’m mistaken, but it seems like you’re basically asking how to make your defensive teams stronger? In which case that just means leveling up better heroes and using your emblems. There’s not much you can do to stop the other team from attacking your weak members - it’s a common strategy to take weak teams out first.

As you’ve mentioned, war matchmaking is based on an alliance’s hero & troop roster, so whatever defense team you put up for war doesn’t actually matter in terms of matchmaking.

IMO, colour coordinating tanks can help a lot, even if this means that some member’s aren’t using their best tanks. Id suggest to give it a shot even if only 80% of your alliance uses the same tank. For example, you mentioned that you have weaker members (with defenses below 4k), while there’s not much they can do other than to get stronger, they’d be slightly harder to kill off in late war if they’re using the same colour tanks as everyone else.

Consider also timing your attacks if possible to get resets efficiently.


I have spent over 1500 on this game and have waited 2 months for a Damascus blade to level up I have also summoned over 250 without a single five star. Beginning to think the game is fixed. Disappointed given the money I have put in

The easiest first thing to do to improve matchmaking would be to take into account the best 5 troops in each colors and not only the best one.

Troops are one of the most important thing in a set up and it’s highly unfair when you face an opponent that can have 3x30 in the same color while you are struggling with your 23/11/11 troops.
That highly advantages big big whales in top of them having the best heroes…


I very much believe this to be the case as well. This past weekend war we got paired with an alliance with mostly lv 85+ players, a good 15/19 teams on the field had lv 30 troops, the weakest on the field was 4690, and I think about half or more were 4800+ TP.

We still won by a few hundred points, mainly because we were way more consistent with our offensive performance, and our defense also held up better than expected. (make no mistake, it was still a very tough war, and we had to coordinate our cleans to make sure good teams weren’t being wasted on easy cleanups)

Looking at their scoring patterns, it does seem they didn’t have quite as much depth, as typically they’d go for 3 or 4 one shots and then completely crash on the last two flags (single digits). Their 3 strongest players still topped the top players list, but then we had a dozen or so people right after that, and the scores were all within about 30-40 points of each other, so fairly consistent performance without any disastrous fails.


Funny you say that. Right when the war starts I always look at the troops. That’s the sign of a strong team.


I am still trying to wrap my head around the matchmaking. The opposing Teams are able to field stronger Teams by quite a bit and go thru all of our Teams for triple flips almost every War scoring 5,200+ points. We don’t have the matching bench strength to get to 5000+ points.

I am going to Track data for the next 10 Wars. Our War Scores are the same as the opposing Alliance but the strength of the Teams and bench do no seem to align. Of not we are a newer Alliance with most playing less than 1 to 2 years. A lot of the Alliances we are facing have been together for 2+ years.

I will keep tracking data for the next 10 Wars and see where the matchmaking leads to.

Thanks for your replys.

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My alliance have been going through the same thing. It seems that we only win due to the other alliance not using all of their flags. That’s not really a win, that’s the other alliance giving us the victory. Not fun!

On average our TP is 3900 and the alliances we face is between 4300 and 4650 TP, so it’s very hard for my alliance to flip the board while the other alliance flips multiple times.

I been playing since very early 2018 and I don’t ever remember war matchmaking being so bad. Makes me wonder if the matchmaking was better before all the war updates?

I’m just going to say that the defense teams can be misleading. In the war that we just completed, on paper, the other alliance would been outclassed, both in troops and defenses. However, I found it interesting that lots of them were able to one-shot our stronger defenses multiple times even though their defenses were significantly weaker based on heroes and TP. So it could be that they had really deep benches, but given that I saw mainly S1 heroes on defense, I couldn’t say they had much in the way of OP heroes. We won, but not by much.

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We have now lost 4 out of the last 5 Wars. In all cases the opposing Alliance had stronger average defense strengths. We coordinate Tank Colors and have a semi coordinated attack strategy. The last match up was so lopsided it was not even funny. Their Defensive Teams were 330 points on average stronger then our. They did not coordinate their attack or Tanks and still beat us by 600 points and went through our strongest defensive teams like butter.

So my question remains:

How do we get to be matched up with weaker Alliances???

All five of the Alliances we just faced have stronger Teams and get to enjoy attacking weaker defenses. It would be nice to at least get matched against Alliances that are close to our overall strength. We have at least eight in the War where I have seen their bench strength and most of their Teams would be hard pressed to take out even two strong 5 star heroes. Some how we should be matched against Alliances with a similar array of weaker members so there are actually Teams our weaker players can attack.

The opposing Alliances can just peck off all of weaker defenses. Boy it would be nice to at least get an even match up. I do intend to keep tracking the difference on on the Battledground Total Team Power as it should give a good representation of your five strongest heroes and troops which are more heavily weighted in arriving at your War Score used for matchups.

It is obvious that the algorithm use for matchup still has a long way to go as the Alliances that have been together longer seem to get much more favorable matchup and easy War wins.

Yep. I really noticed a change in the war matchmaking around September of last year (2020). Not sure what they changed. The only thing I can put my finger on is that we have more low/mid level players in the war (14) than the opposing Alliances. I am beginning to think that somehow the War Score for these members is too high for their real attack strength? Still puzzles me why much stronger Alliances are paired against us. I am just trying to figure out what composition you need to get on that side of the matchmaking equation. Any thoughts from that know more about the inner workings would be greatly appreciated.

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well you have dto consider that some alliances have strong A teams but weak B teams.

which explains why your defense held better then theirs.

besides the defense roaster you see on the fiels you have on average better heros on the remaining 25 heros.

i have seen times and times again where alliances that seemed stronger in the first round failed alot to bring down the defenses a second time on the second round.

other reasons can be you are more active in usig flags vs. the opponent who is probably not doing that or losing more than they win.

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