How to improve a bad board?

True, except in raids where the board is all you have. Or when you don’t have the level 19 forge to make tornadoes.


I’d love to see heroes that have specials that manipulate the board. Not sure if it would be practical, or over/underpowered, but it would be something new to play with!


Purple titan yellow tiles and hero’s. Yellow titan purple tiles and hero’s.
Purple titan
Yellow 3 points red 2 Blue 2, green 1.5, purple 1. I could be wrong because they did change the scoring on the last update.

Can you post the link, where you read, that they changed the scoring?

And your listing (Yellow 3, red 2…) makes no sense. Yellow 3 points against or for what? And green 1.5?

I agree. I would also like a special star, when you get 8 or more gems of the same color in a group. Whenever you tap on the star it goes nova and fires the entire board and fills all your heroes manna. Lol, dream big or go home grin.


Ben son
I did write what colour titan that the scoring was against if you read the first comment fully. I did also say that I could be wrong. I saw the supposed change on the Empires and puzzles Facebook fan page.

I’ve been trawling FB for that data without luck. Date? Help meeeeee! :grin:

I think you were maybe not accounting for weak spot hits on the titan being auto crits?

Tile damage mechanics in terms of strong / weak haven’t changed from 1.5 through 1.8 at least.

R = 2x vs Green, 0.5x vs Blue
G = 2x vs Blue, 0.5x vs Red
B = 2x vs Red, 0.5x vs Green
Y = 2x vs Purple, 0.5x vs Yellow
P = 2x vs Yellow, 0.5x vs Purple

All other tile damage is 1x.