I agree she’s a good one, love playing with her.
My thoughts, for defense:
- Rigard - Isarnia - Kashhrek - Li Xiu - Gormek
Wilbur instead of Gormek may work also, but I chose Gormek for some offense, otherwise you get pretty low on that… you want enough offense to take advantage of the lowered enemy defense - Isarnia and Gormek can kind of tag team. Also you could try Chao in place of Li Xiu, but I do like Li Xiu both because she is very annoying stealing mana from everyone, plus so she could benefit hitting everyone with lowered defense if she fires after Isarnia - I think it generally makes sense to have an all-hitter follow Isarnia.
While Isarnia (or Issy, lol… hadn’t heard that one before, I like it) would gather mana quicker as tank obviously, I would hope next to tank Kashhrek the battle would hopefully drag on long enough, and she would be healed by him enough, to still charge. And Kashhrek is just an excellent tank, probably the best 4* tank there is. Plus when he’s attacked by red, any red tiles that miss Kashhrek and splash on Issy instead, won’t do much damage as she’s blue.
Sometimes it takes some experimentation to see what works best, for defense the only way you can do that is see for a while how many cups a particular team can defend.
For offense, I’d put in Caedmon in place of Kash. And again you can choose Chao over Li Xiu, and/or Wilbur over Gormek. Or what I’d like to do almost all the time on offense, color stack against your specific opponent, so sometimes you may want to bring both Chao and Li Xiu, or both Gormek and Wilbur. Or Sonya and Issy… you get the point.
One combo that I think will not have great synergy though is Issy and Boril, because Issy’s lowered defense on the enemy will not do a thing for Boril’s reflect. Not that that would make a horrible team that can’t win, I’m just saying that’s not the best synergy between heroes. It could still work very well against specific enemy teams.
In terms of leveling priorities, I would go with Isarnia first without a doubt. After that, assuming you take part in wars, probably 2nd Caedmon (fast hitter that disspells, can’t have enough of those for war), then either 2nd Chao or maybe Boril, and Danzaburo last. Not really sure how useful he is, I may be wrong… it seems tricky to play with these heroes that do a random special.
If you do not take part in war, then I would prioritize Isarnia, Boril, Danzaburo, 2nd Caedmon, and finally 2nd Chao.
But leveling priorities will probably get adjusted as you go, if you get a 2nd good purple for example he/she might jump high up the queue.
Well those are my thoughts, best of luck.