How to create a strong team for my defence? Heroes on the photos - thanks for help :)

Hi team.

Hopefully, everyone is alright and safe.
Just have a few questions and favors, related to my team defense.
I don’t want to write the story of my life, so will get to the business.

How would you build a team from the heroes on the photo?
I have ascension materials for each type of element to reach lvl 80 as on the photo as well.
Changing emblems is not a problem, can move them from one hero to another.
Have 2 costumes: Joon and Elena.
My current defense team:

Guardian kong - Ursena - Kunchen - Joon (costume) - Vela

What do I need to change? Which hero to ascend and why? As I said, can ascend 1 hero from each element, based on my ascension materials.

I will be super grateful for any help :slight_smile:
Regards - Raf.