How should I level these up

So should I level up my 3* with other 3* ? And should I save my trainers for bigger things or go ahead and feed them to the ones mentioned above ?

Keep trainers for after final ascension of 5s or 4.

3s you can feed with 1 and 2*, or with a duplicate of itself if you want to increase special quicker. You might want to feed with 1* until special is maxed, and 1*/2* afterwards. But better to use feeders on primary team.

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I’m curious I have a fully leveled gormek and a brand-new Wilbur should I focus on Wilbur or maybe colen? Also in opinion ,do you think li xiu or chao is more dangerous

Wilbur makes Gormek kind of obsolete, but you can still use them for color stacking. I would do Wilbur over Colen any day.

Li reduces mana of all on the opponent team, useful in raids, events and an ok tank. Chao has fast mana and better on titans. So it depends on what you need. I like Li better, but she was one of my first yellows, so I might not be objective on this.