How much roster space do you have?

Even after buying all the roster expansion deals and with SE coming up, I’m constantly feeling like my roster space can’t keep up with the downpour of new heroes and dupe 5*. I believe I have a fairly big roster size (640) but I’m not sure if that’s the average, above average or way above average etc. Hoping to get a snapshot of the general community’s roster situation :thinking:

What’s your roster size?

  • <300
  • 300-400
  • 400-500
  • 500-600
  • 600-700
  • 700+

0 voters


Less than one year in and at 225. Really can’t see needing more than 300 unless you’re just collecting heros for the sake of collecting. Space for say 60 trainers… leaving a roster of 240 “active” heros. No one needs 240 active heros.

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Yeah that makes sense. I guess I’m somewhat collecting if it means keeping one copy of each unique 5*, but it’s also hoarding 5* since SE was introduced as I’ve tried to stop feeding them away.

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Ok… toss in another 25 or so for SE savings. Still not much over 300. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with collecting. More space the better for that.

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This is one of those 1st world problem ain’t it


Yep totally, but just to clarify I’m not complaining I just want to know the roster size of more people so I have a point of reference beyond my alliance.

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Currently sitting at 230. I wanna say less than a quarter of it is filled with trainers I’ve reserved for very special occasions, like when a 5* is at 4/30 and up, where dumping one in could help clear maybe 1 level. Similarly, a 4* at 4/40 to help push it a level or two. Especially at 4/60 if I have a 4* trainer.

Play the game enough and be reaccumulating the trainers faster than I’m dumping them. Oh, and duplicates for SE fodder.

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275, and I’m try to hold on this number…
(or…I will summon again and again…)

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Playing since April 2019 and I have a roster capacity of 187 and a current kept hero number of 169


440 Roster slots
415 Heroes

  • 73 5* Max
  • 51 5* 3-70
  • 102 4* Max
  • 108 3* Max
  • 56 5* 1-1 dupes
  • 13 4* 1-1 dupes
  • 2 3* 1-1 dupes
  • 10 currently being leveled
    17 Trainer heroes
    8 empyt slots

I level up one of every unique hero I get: max 3*/4* and 5* to at least 3-70. You never know when SG is gonna buff someone old into something good.


Unlike some commenters, apparently (?), I think you’ve asked an excellent question. This topic doesn’t usually come up; I haven’t asked anyone about the number of spaces they have on their rosters and I have been playing since. . . . . before the release of Season 2!

That said, I have added slots here and there, but I have 270 total slots available, and 206 are presently ‘occupied’ by various heroes.

I used to focus almost exclusively on 5* heroes but I have learned not only to appreciate 3* & 4* heroes much more than when I started playing. I also have found that too many heroes will start to make me crazy when I play. I have 3 truly “core” teams I like to use. The remaining heroes are ones I use in tournaments, Wars, Challenges.

If my roster starts feeling unwieldy to me, I offload a few heroes that I never seem to use. I am just better able to manage my gameplay with fewer (relatively speaking!) heroes whose abilities I am familiar with.

And last but certainly not least, I am not sure how long you have been playing ~~ but please know that snide comments are not typical on the forum, especially comments that allude to things over which people have absolutely no control, like where we live, or our incomes. Most players find such pettiness to be far beneath them.

Please continue to contribute here! It really is fun.


@Suzanne0905 thanks for the detailed response and I’m glad my question and poll is appreciate :slight_smile: That’s very interesting to know and I actually like your offloading approach! I actually started playing when Frida was HoTM (can’t remember exactly what year/month that was) but then I quit after about 6 months and then came back mid last year shamefully as a bit of a whale lol.

@DGERic thanks for the break down, it’s interesting seeing your abundant supply of maxed 3* and 4* and kudos to you if you’re able to utilise them all!


I am desperately waiting for Soul Exchange as I only have 2 free spaces in my 147 roster space…


I’m just north of 3 1/2 years in and i have 410 roster spots.

83 maxed 5*
25 3/70 5*(2 dupes)
12 partially leveled 5*
53 1/1 5*(37 dupes)
101 maxed 4*( dupes of roughly 10)
5 partially leveled 4*
4 1/1 4* (3 dupes)
95 maxed 3* (less than a dozen dupes)
4 1/1 3*

And 18 feeder slots.

And i bought 20 or so slots in the last 45 days…


Very interesting to hear and see how people manage their roster, great topic.

It’s nice to mention how long you all have played too - it certainly put things in perspective :100:


192 after 4 and a half years. I’m always struggling with about 10 free slots… if Ludwig really is featured for15 souls, which I strongly doubt by the way, I’ll sacrifice all my 3/70 S1 and some 4/80 like Zulag and Richard that never ever see action. This would bring me around 25 free roster space.


This is such an awesome discussion, and @Kenzo , you are a true gentleman.

I would love to nominate this thread as the most productive and pleasant conversation I have had on the forum for a long time.

Both the original poster and the commenters, with a couple exceptions, have been terrific, encouraging, thoughtful, and appreciative!

I really needed this experience, because there’s a bit of insanity around, at present, and it’s so not cool.

I’m unsurprised that my friend FrenziedEye is here, contributing their excellent karma; I thank everyone for sharing your experience in such a brilliant, thoughtful manner.


I did this too… I actually almost forgot that I had Ameonna (however you spell her name) and the other one, that other weird S3 hero that shifts into dire ghost form…I offloaded them some time ago, and only remembered they existed when I was scrolling through the summon portal LOL

Unfortunately I cannot offload any more heroes because I need to prepare for the contest of elements…


Ghost heroes suck IMO! I had her too, for about 3 days! I want to say I fed her to Kunchen, who’s one of my go-to’s if I need a dedicated healer.

There was a time when you couldn’t purchase ascension mats and I got rid of probably 15 heroes because so many were sitting at 3/70, or 3/60. Just fed em away! I’m glad there are actually some options now; Soul Exchange is a great idea!


You probably fed her away to get an extra 8% chance of boosting Kunchen’s special; and it’s very likely that you reached 30-40% chance…only to have the special skill not increase XD :joy:

I’m fairly sure I have fed away some 3-70 heroes as well. The boost to levelling is pretty cool but it is a bit of a waste of food when I think about it (but we can’t plan our rosters perfectly, can we…just like real life!)