How Many Points IS Giving Your First Target At Tournament

agree with that and i already know that system but if u read correctly i already said that found guys with same power deffence as me at top 10 …

gratz for your attacks , if u can post deffence power of first target please

@Bruno1 @HarryDeB

Not really but check this out, a picture is worth a thousand words:
Everybody should have the same opportunities no matter how bad or good your heroes are or how tough or weak your opponent defense is and here we have to much disparity in the matchmaking that makes you bounce off the 1% even if you did everything right:

I guess I’m not concerned. It’s day 1. People will weed out as the tournament goes on.

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There are random generated summons, which give you random generated heroes.
Then there are random generated boards.

These are random generated opponent which give you random generated scores.
If you are ok with the the first two, you should be ok for the last two too.

This is the first days lads.
Win every battle in your 5 days and you will be rewarded.

But be aware that the 5th day is not quite the same as the 1st.

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You’re matched on your top 5 heroes that meet the tourney requirements, not on defense TP. So they may well have better heroes than you which are not reflected in their defense.

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I am in the same boat.
But as already stated before, I don’t worry. I know that as long as I stay in the tournament till last day, I will end up in top 1%.
So I still don’t get what all the fuzz is about but maybe it helps the OP to get a clearer picture he wants.

I still do not understand how points are awarded in a tournament? 5/5 all have approximately the same number of points. but how then do some people gain 1000 more?

Scoreboard looks like it is whacked out. The devs correct this eventually.

u r forgetting 1 simple step what if u loose only 1 and a guy with same deffence power ,same deffence grade as u , same heros as u loose, 2 and still he gets the top 1 percent and u go down to top 5 percent ?1 its not that easy …this is a simple demostration to shoq u that we all should care more about this thing …

yeap grammar point is totally worthless nad pointless , anyway even that i dont check it b4 post it some grammar mistakes can be , we are writing with keyboard here and grammar mistakes are understandable , noticed his grammar mistakes too but as far as i get the idea no problem at all for me … but i enjoyed your post to be honest i was waiting for someone to check his grammar mistakes too lol

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Moderator’s Note:

Let’s all move off the subject of grammar and spelling and focus on the question of raid tournament points for matches.

As has been observed, many of us are ESL. I know I do a lot worse in Spanish and German than many ESL posters do here in English (@Tato was kind enough to overlook my errors last night).


Related with the post 2396 points in a 5 of 5 strike.

@Garanwyn ESL? What’s that?

And I think your Spanish is better than my English :wink:

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No way to get high above 2500 so far. Sth’s wrong with the ranking.

My def 2454, all matches max 470pt.

English as a Second Language. Anyone who didn’t grow up speaking English would be described as ESL by the education community here in the US, and the term has spread from there into general usage.

Gracias, es usted muy amable. :wink:

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good afternoon … tournament is very bad … I with 5 ATTACKS 5 wins I have less 1000 points … my god could not … good game to all

For my battles the available points ranges right around 520-550 for the enemies I face. I do have some emblemed 3*'s, but not many, and not emblemed very much. Still… with how most people refuse to emblem their 3*'s, it would explain things a bit. If you don’t have any emblemed 3*'s, you’re less likely to face strong teams, so the points potential is lower for you. Don’t know if that’s 100%, but it seems logical. Cheers!

So looks like 2600-2700 IS possible…thanks for sharing your scores. 3300 still seems like a stretch LOL

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The leading one scored an average of 661,8.

Did someone ever had such score from a single opponent? 603 was my highest so far.

Hopefully there’s no method to rig those raids.