How do I put colorful writing in chat?

I try and limit it to one phrase per message.

8/8 4* 3.60 in green followed by code for white and the rest of the message “are better than 8/8 5* 2.60 then 8/8 3* 3.50 then 2* lastly 1* heroes using only farmable Ascension items.”

Personal color choices:

[#123456] Cyan Blue ( just for it’s hex number )


[#FF0000] Red

[#FFA500] Orange

[#FFD700] Gold
[#FF8C00] Dark_Orange

[#FFFF00] Yellow
[#00FF00] Lime -Green
[#00FFFF] Aqua -Blue
[#FF00FF] Fuchsia- Purple

[#FFFFFF] White