Horghall vs Kadilen

I have both at 3/70. Waiting on 1 more tonic. Ive always liked Horg, but it seems like Kad is tye better choice for most. Care to share your opinion?

dont max either. you have zel and evelynn coming up in near future months…think ahead

Wait for the december HotM evelyn. She is the panther in green

This really depends on how many summons the OP is able to do.

@Slickers111 are you planning on doing any summons when Zeline is available in Atlantis summons, or for the hero of the month in December, which is Evelyn? Evelyn is a fast green 5* with a nature defense debuff.

After the results i got from doing x10 pulls, i wont be putting more money in the game. Im not a gambling person.

not necessarily. both those heros can be acquired with free summons. best bet is to wait till the chance is gone to get them then go from there, waiting in this game and doing more prep work for possibly getting good heros has never hurt anyone

I’d probably vote horghall. He’s slow, but has high HP and has an attack debuff against all enemies.

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With his latest reply, I disagree with your assessment. :smiley:

lol hope he gets one of them after maxing horghall that has been riding my bench for 9 months😂 atlantis coins can be stocked until either one of those heros are available and evelyn is a little over a month away. going to hinder his gameplay for 6 months or more to help it by very little right now

to each their own tho. I’m a risk vs reward guy, seems like a solid risk with very little reward, you lose nothing by waiting, but possibly corner yourself hard by not waiting

Thing is I have alot of green players. I hate when i put $30 on a phone game, just to recieve duplicate characters. Its like throwing money away.

I hear you…when one gets to the point where you have nearly every hero card, but you really want the new event/seasonal/Atlantis hero, then nearly every card you get that isn’t the special one is just training fodder. At the same time, it would be grossly unfair if one only got non-dupes: that would radically change the odds at the summons gate of getting a 5*.


What’s your 3*/4* ascension loot look like?

true i just try to advise free to play or cheap to players to spend their mats as wisely as they can especially 4* mats, those players don’t get as many mats or as many game changing heros as p2w players like myself. Will you get either of those greens i mentioned? probably not. But will you kick yourself if you do get one but you maxed kad or horghall that literally dont help your game anymore than a 4* green could? most definitely. What do you gain from maxing either of those heros? more titan damage, no. More useful in wars than they are now, no. Helpful in events, no. anyways all i have to say on the issue.

I gotcha. Its a toss up. That tonic will take about a month to show up. So i got time yet.

Got 4 warm capes? I’d max Richard if you do :smiley:

Based on your current defense team I would recommend ascending Horghall and replacing Gormek with Wu Kong. Kadilen’s special is pretty worthless unless you’re fending off special attacks from legendaries like Joon, Sartana, Quintus, etc. She’s not strong enough on attack or defense to be really useful to you considering the rest of your roster.