Holy moly, who is golly!

So, I have maxed Bane and Melia. I also have Gretel, Chao and Li Xiu 3/60 and Rana 2/60.

Today, finally, I’m going to have that fourth orb.

Who’s the lucky one to get those orbs, what do you say?

I don’t need tank, I have BT+5. For the mana control I have Proteus+4. As a sniper, Caedmon+3, Grimm+6.

I’m currently working with Gregorion and Seshat, those two take lions share of my food. Third 5* is maybe not wisest idea. I only have 2 poison arrows so It’s not like I’m able to max Rana soon.

I normally know what to do and where to take my heroes, but right now some advice might be nice.


Probably Gretel or Chao.

But, to be honest, I just like your thread title.


Gretel or Li. So, Gretel.

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Go train Gretel to max.

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Thank You @JonahTheBard . As a non native speaker (English is in fact my third language) it is nice to play with words and try to find same tone that I might have used when speaking/writing my own language.


I’d say Li. She’ll pair better with Proteus than Gretel would.

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Gretel as my first choice. As she is one of the few if not the only holy barbarian. That bleed DoT that you get as the talent is useful for piling on damage.

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Li or Gretel, great options though.

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The last time I heard any one said golly more than once was Gadget in Chip N’ Dale Rescue Rangers. I still miss that show.


Hansel & Gretel are undervalued by many. Ok, maybe not Hansel. I attribute a lot of my successes to Hansel alone. Gretel isn’t Hansel, but she’ll shutdown anyone and protection from specials is nice.


True this. Get a solid bench of 4* before diving too deep into the 5* pool.

Li or Gretel would be my choice too. Li if you want more mana control (important in raiding and wars), Gretel if you want more available choices.


Lol. I gave goodies to Gretel. Today I did a ten pull and landed with Jackal and Wu. I’m sure that those two would have been Dawa and Kailani had I still the orbs. So happy, good holy 4*s to work with.

And I even got Falcon too makes a little happy dande


What country are you from @Aunty?

I’m from Finland :slight_smile:

I remember that show. Sunday morning cartoons…

Three months later… I feel I’ve done quite well with my holy molies. Neith arrived today and I’m one arrow down to start maxing my first holy 5*. Do you think it should be Rana, Neith or Mush?

Finley and Grazul are their last ascension, and I also have matts for Kingston. Poor Seshat will have to wait a bit longer, those tabards are hard to get. Anyway, those four are my other 5 stars I’m maxing now.

Not Mush.

Rana is closer. Neith is, for me, better…more dynamic. I don’t like 2-turn specials either, unless you’re on offense. AI would burn them at the wrong time. So Neith again. Rana is still usable where she’s at.


To be fair though the AI does everything at the wrong time and if possible directed at the wrong hero…

So true. AI is worst.

20 times worst

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So the whole seeing your defense team in action is a double edged sword.

It would be great to see how they perform but it would be even nicer to see how they perform correctly…

I mean how many cups have we lost because the wrong hero was targeted at the end…