@Chadmo & @Dudeious.Maximus plus he will give me the added Bard family bonus on an additional team, further increasing his speed when paired with a lvl 30 mana troop.
All good points above. Rhys truly is great. Not OP great, just great. Does enough key little things to make your team better. He’s on my primary raid team. Use him all the time.
Joon from a fated??? Dont waste those Fated summons on S1 heroes unless you already have their (double) costume and plan on maxing a duplicate right away. Better pick heroes you don´t get for free!
Both are by far better than a Joon without costumes. Even better than Joon with first costume. A Joon without any costumes is an overly expensive 4 star hero.
We can agree to disagree. Plus, I see eventually using Joon more than I do either of those two. Plus, I am not a big fan of dodge or solely counter attack heroes.
Based upon my current roster and teams, Joon made more sense than the other options. Wish the FS had better options to select from, but when at the buffet, got to choose from what is out there.