Holla. How can we get old HoTM?

Too many times hunting vs Ares or Alby. As i understand its Overpowered HoTM. + Hel + Aphena. May be someone have any idea odds old HoTM in game?
My dreamteam is Ares, Hel, Alby, Guen and Athena. spent over $200 for Guen and havent any luck. But i hope i can get luck with other rare & unique heroes too, exsept A+ Ares or Alby.
Anyone know something about E&P’s Admin’s ideas about odds old HoTM in game?

SGG have indicated they may be back for acquisition in some fashion, but nothing has been confirmed yet.

) no problem with 10k gems. )

Hope They will confirm it soon ))

No, SG has not indicated that. Moving right along… :wink: