Hint - keep your bones and buy SMP (Small Mana Potions)

I can see that. Although, as long as there is Atlantis Rising I can’t ever see me going through it all. The backpacks from last month are gone (only had time to use 1 flask), but there are swords still left and not enough recruits.

If you feel like it, sure, go all out. But i will not compare harpoons and titan parts with grade loot.

Harpoons give you materials to craft items yo kill more titans. Stop. Nothing more nothing less.

That’s cool and all, but you can still kill titans even without it. You can still kill titans even using old good timestops and tornadoes.

Harpoons are really good items even just to use simply as the buffs it gives you. But now you need iron for the new buildings, regular items, new items and harpoons.

Even long time players must be careful on iron usage, even more players that have just yet reach stronghold lv 20.

That’s why i told that.
New items are just battle items. They help you, but you can live and fight without it with no problems.

So don’t let crafting items and iron shortage slow you down for all the rest.


Good to know that new items are a waste lol thanks SG

I will not take so far to say useless, but you must not have to reach (especially at start) the third step of harpoons quota at any costs, as you probably have to organize your meat and iron for all the things.

We kinda forget how it is running short of resources, and mass produce one thing inevitably put you short for all the rest.

If you can, store ham and iron for now and do not waste them. Let them be full and prepare for the worst.

Are you lookin at individual or team basis?

5 harpoons per member per day should be relatively sustainable. If you look at the average resource gains from filling 5 chests per day is enough to craft 5 harpoons per day without even touching resources from farms, mines, titans, individual raids, etc

So shouldn’t drain resources that much from what i can tell. And anyone that needs to use nados and timestops excessively to kill 12s is punchin above their weight at an unsustainable rate in the first place

Nados and timestops are somethin i typically only use if the team is either runnin behind or we decide we wanna kill it sooner than need be.

Typically A or at least B loot can be had using very cheap items. And maybe this will hold true on 13s and 14s, but i dont know that and won’t know that until release therefore I’d rather be as prepared as possible for their release.

Get the most useful upgrades done n over with( sh21, hunter lodge lvl 1, food storage upgrade, then resource upgrades and storage upgrades) then probably look at upgrading the lodge and crafting better items if more building advances aren’t released yet(tho i will not research anything other than harpoons until the new titans are out)

So sure i think in a way i agree as far as prioritizing, but i disagree in the terms of tryin to convince the rest of the game to sit on their thumbs and watch only a few alliances be the only ones killin the new titans when they come out

I’m more concern about buildings after SH 21 is finished.
You have 8 days now to refill iron, but with the double builder after that you upgrade buildings faster and eat quite some iron.

On beta we don’t have this kind of problems.
They put us in conditions to do all faster and without problems, skipping and refill energy flags almost immediately.

It is not the real situation.
I’m not sure either, but my guts saying me to be careful about it, and i’m suggesting to do the same.

Once we have tested and see a bit more, we understand if i was wrong and can really go all out.

But for now, i really guess we’ve being too much comfortable for too much time on our iron and ham surplus, and we really need to be careful.

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@Rigs. Do I understand you have already built a Hunters Lodge and completed the Research for Giant Harpoons?

If so, please can you confirm if having 4 maxed food storages is enough food to research the harpoons, or is it necessary to convert one food storage to an advanced food storage first?
There seems to be some confusion in the various discussions on this point

I understand that
a) 4 maxed food stores = 2756
b) Food required to research harpoons = 2771

So looks like you need 1 advanced food storage? But I remember another situation in the game like this where there was a bit of spare food/iron floating around from the start of the game that made up the small difference.
Tagging @zephyr1 for awareness.

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It’s not Farms you need to upgrade, it’s one of the Food Storage.

I covered this here:


It’s been the 4th Thursday of the month in the past, which is June 27 this month.

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Sorry @zephyr1. Doh - I meant to type food storages, but typed farms by mistake. Corrected now.

I understand the maths implies that 4 maxed food storages is NOT enough food. But I was just looking for someone who had actually experienced it to confirm.

As I said I have this vague, nagging recollection of another situation in the game like this where there was a bit of spare food/iron floating around from the start of the game that made up the small difference.

I think you’re thinking of how the Stronghold holds 30 Recruits, 10k Iron, and 10k Food.

But you can check yourself that it doesn’t hold enough Food:


I just added this to help clarify:

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There’s an offer today for TimeStops from the Hunters Lounge.

Bones aren’t my problem…

What does this Harpoon do?

What the point of all those new battle items when you can easily 50k+ on a 12* with the old ones? Simply using more resources to get the same loot seems not appealing to me.


13-14stars titans probably coming, and also all of us alliances who are currently on 10-11stars ones.

I got to admit I will like to see how much more average damage these will allow me to do, it might be a lot and it might be nothing, board luck being the main factor

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Thanks so much @zephyr1. You are quite right ( and totally awesome!)

The situation I was recalling was when it appears that 5 Maxed Iron Storages (5*392=1960) does not appear to be enough to upgrade to SH20 which requires 1969. But in reality it is enough due to that 10K lurking in the Stonghold.

Think I will just try to keep both my iron and food storages close to max for the time being …

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The first post in this thread should answer your questions: