Himeros or Lord Loki

Before starting down the long road of building a legendary hero to max, figured I’d ask for opinions on which Legendary Ice hero to start with. I also have Guardian Hippo and Balur, but I like Himeros’s “very fast” special, and what’s not to like about Loki?! (Did I just answer my own question?:laughing:)

I appreciate any help given! Thank you.

(You can also tell me to go with Chick Jr. and stay in my Level 31 lane :rofl:)

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I’m working on lord Loki before himeros. It depends on what you want actually. I have enough blue hero’s levelled so just for his special skill which is fun to use I’m working on him. Himeros will
be next. Your decision should be based on emblems availability as well :blush:


For me it would have to be Lord Loki, 1LB and +20

Whichever hero you choose good luck


LoLo first……with LB & +20.

Then every other hero….of any colour.

  • Guardian Hippo
  • Balur
  • Himeros
  • Lord Loki

0 voters

Hey! I’ve made a poll for you here, so you can see visually what most people favour.

For me personally, (and assuming that I am reading your post right), I would choose to work Lord Loki since he does have the element of versatility in being able to copy any special. Once your roster becomes more developed, you’ll definitely find big value out of heroes such as Hippo and Himeros though!

Much as Dessertrose said already though, it really depends on what your existing roster looks like. A key advantage to Himeros is that priority dispel which will get rid of any nasty taunters


Really, you had to put other options :face_with_raised_eyebrow::smiling_imp:

While clearly knowing that all will say LoLo :man_facepalming:t2::man_shrugging:t2:

What can I say, I’m always good for equal opportunities :wink:

And who doesn’t love seeing some of the latest and greatest getting run over by a good old S3 classic

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Wow, I truly truly appreciate the help! Thank you!


I m waiting for Balur to get a vote :rofl::smiling_imp: