HeroPlan.io - Tool for tracking your profile's progress, sharing it & to Plan your Hero Use for Class Trials, Challenge Events, Wars, Tavern of Legends Titans AND MORE!

The only reason I’m not a fan of using a separate hero is because in game it’s not a different hero. It’s not that big of a deal and from what I understand people like this way better and it may be temporary, but I think it would be better if we could find a way to make it work maybe different tabs like the stats and emblems tab.

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Agreed, if it ever becomes possible to connect each costume to the original source, I’d much prefer that

Although, from my understanding, it seems the only person that can do that is the original creator of the website. So idk if it’ll ever be possible, unfortunately.

So assuming that to be true, imo, having a separate hero per costume is better than nothing. It isn’t great (my OCD especially cringes a bit lol) but at least now, one can tell which versions of S1 costumes you do have (where before, it wasn’t at all possible)


Guys you have to understand the fact that the main developer stop developing the app. @cvl_75 is a volunteer, and he can do thing solely based on data not the app. So the choices listed in the vote above are pretty much the only practical choices within his realm. And he does almost last year data update alone (heroic effort, honestly)

(To get the picture, it is just like our mods in this forum who work as volunteers and have no power against game dev)


I assume there is no way to give the second and third costumes or the original set the costume bonus that comes with these costume.
Edit: I just updated one of my second costumes(Cyprian) and the stats in the planner reflect his including the costume bonus.

What if I developed a mobile app to calculate hero stats, plan teams… provide a mini war tool… allow processing captures of attacks on titan and save statistics, it would also be useful for wars but there are many captures to process… .

I have a mini application that I made for personal use, but it is very complete… it would be very useful for the entire community…

but there are issues that I do not know regarding its publication…

And I could add tools to create groups for the alliance to be able to share heroes and equipment.

Obviously everything is manual, since it is not connected to the game in any way

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that sounds great just the only thing is I personally would prefer a website so I could have the game and the planner open at the same time

oh I’m sorry, i can’t do that… I’m mobile developer…

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no your fine I can just use screenshots as that I can look at on any device

have you line? i can show you

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yes I do have line, same username as here

yes, my username is zafa

okay, I was saying my username is also the same

There used to be one called E&P toolbox I think, I have not used it in a very long time, but it may still be out there to give you some ideas.

I have my app done…
I don’t have it uploaded in the store…

I don’t know if there would be a conflict with copyright.

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thank you for doing this :slight_smile: appreciate it a lot!

Any news on possibly adding Legendary Troops in the app?

unfortunately no news


Thank you and thank you for keep maintaining the app for us :slightly_smiling_face:


@GDIBass doesn’t plan to open source heroplan? There’s a GitHub for the data only but nothing for the website itself or I missed it somewhere?

I’d planned on doing exactly that… I had a rework in progress, but life kinda got in the way. It’s pretty low on the priority list tbh. My job is still crazy, I’m still in chronic pain, and I don’t even play the game.

Honestly adding troops isn’t that hard, I just have to find the motivation to do it. I’ll take a look tonight.