HeroPlan.io - Tool for tracking your profile's progress, sharing it & to Plan your Hero Use for Class Trials, Challenge Events, Wars, Tavern of Legends Titans AND MORE!

Was about to ask if anyone kept track for the person or persons responsible with updating HeroPlan down the line for the peeps lucky enough to get the new heroes but aren’t able to add them properly.

Not yet. I’d planned an update that would effectively allow the community to manage heroes, but wasn’t able to finish it before my life got turned upside down. The bright side is that my life is starting to normalize a bit, and I’m hoping to be able to get back to it in a week or two.

Meanwhile I’ll try to get these heroes (holy crap are there a lot of them) added today… minus the 2nd costumes - still need to figure that one out.


I had no idea this thread exists.

I’m just glad I can say “thank you” to you “in person”.

It’s a great tool. Thank you very much. :beers:


Thanks @GDIBass for investing all the time and effort to keep Heroplan up to date. But if you don’t find the time, do not let real life suffer from your work on Heroplan. We all are thankful for your hard work, but we all can also wait.


Here’s an example of what an update will look like once it’s all said and done (although hopefully smaller size). I’ll have some automation to verify things too:


Ok, new heroes should be added. Let me know if I missed anything!


@GDIBass thanks for all that you do! I love this tool. You said it was updated bu im not seeing any heroes from this post and below. Does it take some time to update?

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Might be an atrocious work the second costumes into it, I’d imagine. Don’t think simply going “Costume 1” would be enough (and I mean for every hero that currently has 1 costume).

That’s great to hear! I’m late to party to know anything, but your work/contributions to HeroPlan are greatly appreciated! Wish I knew a thing or two about the stuff with HeroPlan.

:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:


You will have to refresh the page, but that’s about it

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Yeah it’s quite a bit more complex than that. From data storage to user interface, there’s a lot of things to figure out


I figured! Whenever time opens up again and things clear through with your personal affairs, do let us know what you’re able to do! :grinning:

@GDIBass I couldn’t find the new HoTM Celidana so not sure if you missed that hero? I also noticed that Anne’s image appears blank :thinking:

Also I think the recent messages lately have really emphasised how heavily reliant the community is on your tool and how grateful we all are :sweat_smile:

Hi! Hope things have gotten better for you! Take care of yourself! And thanks so much for the update! Very much appreciated.

I noticed that there’s a few that are still missing that were mentioned…

(Nevermind, she showed up with a blank image now)




You probably had so many to add that they ended up overlooked or with a typo of some sort (to where I can’t find them).

Thank you again for creating this wonderful tool. You have no idea how much many of us rely on it to plan out what we’re doing.


Added, thank you!.. 20 chars


Thank you again for your dedication.
I have an idea how to spread the workload:
Use two data repositories. One contains all existing heroes and is read only.
Allow users to create heroes from a template. Maybe in the beginning only a handfull of trusted users have this priviledge. This heroes will be in a temporary read/write repository. So users can create new heroes, fill in the names, stats and upload a picture. If there are errors, another user can correct them, or give an „approval“ similiar to a like. Now there is a nightly batch job, copying all newly created heroes who have reached an approval treshhold, lets say 5 approvals after the last editing, will be copied to the trusted read only repository and are deleted from the temporary repository. With this you can „source out“ the creation and editing of new heroes.
You can address the new costumes similiarly.
Just think about a dedicated costume repository. Every new heroe has automatically the number of costumes=zero. Then the costumes are created for an existing hero with a costume number, 1,2…n. Every time a costume is approved and copied to the trusted costume repository, the number is changed for the base hero. Now you know how many costumes a hero has, and can load the data from the repository. You have two unique identifiers, hero name and costume number.
Happy gaming


Eh, that’s too complex, and there is a need to be able to update existing heroes (when rebalances happen, or costumes are added).

The current plan is to use that data repository and add pull request validation. Basically it will ensure that all required fields are present, no heroes have been renamed or removed, an image exists in the right size (and maybe a couple style checks), etc. If any of those checks fail then the pull request won’t be allowed to be merged. I’d planned on getting trusted reviewers and adding them as admins to allow them to approve and merge PRs, then have a merge trigger some automation that updated the hero database, and site configs.

None of it is super complex stuff, it just needs work.

As for costumes it’s actually even easier than that, just convert the costume field to an array, and allow costumes to be input that way. The harder part here is data storage, how to expand out the “have costumes” options and page (likely just add an index id to the costume table), and updating the UI. Once again nothing insanely hard, it just takes some work.


There are also new type of troops. The Styx troops



First, thank you so much for this amazing tool! I hope life is getting back to being less hectic.

I noticed an error on Zandria. There’s a third bullet point on her passives, that I suspect was a copy paste from another hero, regarding minions. Zandria doesn’t have any passive against minion attacks.

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@GDIBass just letting you know that there’s been another 2 new heroes released lately. Thank you as always for your help!


These two are also arrived in the Covenant portal: