Hero/Troop Food Cost Growth

I noticed that there didn’t seem to be a general consensus on how food costs grow in relation to hero/troop level and rarity. So I thought I’d post what I believe seems to match the game’s internal mechanics.

Where x = current hero level

1000 + 20(x - 1)

1200 + 24(x - 1)

2100 + 42(x - 1)

3000 + 60(x - 1)

5000 + 100(x - 1)

From what I’ve gathered, food cost is not affected by ascension tiers, but rather only by the level that hero/troop is at in that ascension tier. Here’s an example: you have two 4* heros at different ascension tiers and levels, say 2/31 and 3/10. The first one would be calculated as follows:

3000 + 60(31 - 1) = 4800 food

The second one:

3000 + 60(10 - 1) = 3540 food

So in essence, food costs return to the base amount each time that hero ascends to the next tier and its level is reset.

Where x = current troop level

5000 + 2500(x - 1)

7000 + 3500(x - 1)

9000 + 4500(x - 1)

(I don’t have exact data on 4* troops, but I see a pattern)

11000 + 5500(x - 1)

I do realize that a hero’s food cost growth is a 2% increase per level and troop’s is a 50% increase. Writing out the formula seemed easier to visualize.

Hope this was helpful for those who might’ve been confused.

Thanks for reading!



It is (x -2).

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Hey Gryphonknight, thanks for your reply.

Hmm, based on what I’ve gathered, I’m pretty sure it is (LV - 1), not 2. If it were (LV - 2), for example, a 4* level 1 hero would then be calculated:

3000 + 60(1 - 2) = 2940

But I’m positive each hero always starts out at their rarity level’s base food cost. Essentially the (x - 1) is to factor in any levels the hero has already attained, which is how food growth cost is calculated in the first place.