Hero name meaning

I learned on this board that Danzaburo is a famous trickster tanuki in Far East lore. Seems pretty fitting for his character. Details here:

Also, when I saw the title of this thread, I was hoping someone would explain why we have a crocodile/alligator/lizard thing named Gato, which means “cat” in Spanish!

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I love the designs and names of heroes in this game.

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That’s a good question. So good that my mind immediately made the joke: “alligato!”

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Do I smell a fellow “dad joke” cracker in our midst?

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A little bit. I sometimes enjoy puns! I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the reason for the name, despite “gato” being Spanish for cat. It’s better than a pixie/fairy named Pixie.

I also sometimes enjoy puns. The rest of the time, I’m asleep.

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