Hero Leveling Issue

Based on the picture attached. Kashhrek at tier 1 level 27 already reach stage 6 special while Rigard at tier 1 level 30 still stuck at stage 2 special.

Both are feed on equal basis. Same color and same capacity of 10 heroes at once .which contained 2 uncommon and 8 common heroes.
Made up to 24% chances.
Infact Rigard was ahead because he ate a Prisca.

Any idea why the gap was so big?
Thanks in advance for the input.

It’s just random. Don’t worry it is very unusual for 4 or 5 stars to have less than max special by 3/60 or 3/70 respectively.


Yeah I wouldn’t worry much here.

Rigard will get there.

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Thanks for the fast replies. Am just curious on why the difference is so much actually.
Leveling both to 3 60 for AW. As Kunchen and Caedmon takes priority over both.

kashhrek at tier 2 level 1 max special already…yay!

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The last tier requires as many feeders than all the others together. So never mind if it isn’t a rare not going up.

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I usually try to max the heroes’ special a.s.ap. after that, it is much easier to up the level.

If mine were fully special upped, I’ll often feed another one, since there won’t be this 2nd possible success any more.

Therefore none of mine is max level yet, but about 50 are well above 500.

From my experience, feeding 10 of the same color at once which consist of at least 1 rare and 2 uncommon heroes, or > 3 uncommon and the rest, common heroes definately speed up the hero’s special leveling, regardless of 3 * , 4 * or 5 * heroes.

It’s completely random.

I level up 5 heroes at a time, so single colour feeding typically with 10 feeders at once.

On my most recent batch of 4*'s I had Boldtusk, Gretel, Buddy and Agwe all maxed on skill on or before level 3.41…

With the exception of Cyprian who got all the way up to 3.52 before he got a single skill up outside of ascensions and went all the way to 4.29 before he maxed.

For 4*'s if you are single colour feeding it really will be a 1 in a million* chance to get all the way to level cap without maxing skill(artistic licence with that fact, knowing his obsession with numbers @Garanwyn may even be able to tell you the exact chance :slight_smile: )

It really only should be 3* that are a worry and they’re so cheap to max even once they hit the cap now it’s not really a huge issue.

The variables are too complex to make estimates, except under some limiting assumptions like all same-color 1* feeders.

That yields a 20% single trial chance of success on leveling the special (10 1* same color feeders).

A 4* takes 167,592 xp to fully level, and you get 3 included special-level-ups in there.

1* trainers are 180 xp for same-color. That means there are 93 sets of 10 1* feeders to full level. The probability of getting 5 or more successes at 20% probability of a single trial success is 99.9986%

On average, feeding same-color 1*, you’ll fail to get your 4* up to 8/8 once in every 71,000 attempts or so.


I was half joking when I said you’d probably have some numbers :smiley:

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Clearly :laughing: But it was a fun question.

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I have Gormek who I fed only red 1 and 2* and he only leveled his skill at each ascension. When I got to 4.1 I switched to any color and right away huge went to 6/8 but he is now 4.35. All my other 4s were done very early. I had caedmon go up with a single 1* green that’s a 2% chance yet I’ve had nothing on others at above 30%. Its random. My worst case is Scarlett in my alt who is 4.56 and 7/8 but I don’t worry anymore since they have the 5x increase if you fail to hit max skill when you max level. This way 10 2* same colors now give a 100% chance to increase level so its not horrible if it fails though its usually the 3s since they go so fast. But again just use the 10 2s or a dupe which now gives 100% instead of 25%. That was a welcome change.

True, unless your 4* hero got to 3^60 or 5* to 2^60 and somehow did not get to max specials. This was the case for the copy of Sumitomo I had, 3^60 and stuck at 6/8. I was short of a pair of Fine Gloves to ascend him to the last tier, but since you can’t work on a hero any more after he/she hits the current tier ceiling on a non-maxed hero. Yes, I know he will get one up once he does get the ascension and it’s another road to 4^70 and even if somehow he managed to get there stuck at 7/8, I will have an increased % of upping him, but it gets annoying each time I look at him. Although rarely a 4* or 5* hero gets to a point where he/she is not maxed in specials and non-farmable mats becomes an issue, it can happen.

He was begging me to give him the next gloves I get. Turns out he totally trolled me after I finally did, got his special to 7/8, and literally the first or second feeder I gave him after 4^1, he maxed out his special. RNG and such, but I was not really happy with Sumitomo that day, we are good now though.