Hero Costumes Discussion

Gill_ra is a 3* cleanser too…

To be honest, costumes are a joke.
If I have fully leveled Joon and get a costumes, I have to ascend seconda Joon…

@juzekxx02 You don’t need to level a second Joon. You can level the costume and move back to the original Joon while leveling. Just be careful to not put the low level costume Joon on a war or tournament defense.
It is only if not having a leveled hero for the costume it is limited to the original heroes level tier

Yup, updated in the FAQ’s

Also second point below this one I am addressing in another thread. Will update in the FAQ’s also. Was based on preliminary information which I apologise was wrong.

I’m currently checking if the Stat Bonus is linked to the Special Skill level.
0% for level 1
x% for level 2 etc…

Thanks for picking it up.

I’m interested to see the effect of costumes on the tournaments and competition in events. For example, in Rare Events will we see some teams of Costumed Bane+20s with a Melia? :stuck_out_tongue:

If I max only one Melendor costume and use it, but I have maxed a Melendor dupe. Is my duplicate going to get attack, defense, mana and health bonus from the costume I am already using on another Melendor or DO i have to max another costume?

@ShuraCDZ, each costume level is recorded in hero, so if we have duplicate hero (let say 1 and 2), we should level hero 1 and 2 separately.

Here is other info FAQ about Costumes:
New Costumes FAQs! Read here before asking questions!


I didn’t struggle with the challenges, my 3* fire stack was already good. Hawkmoon felt really lagging and I already have a lot of healers in my pool of heroes. I don’t ever use her on tourneys and I certainly never used her on event quest. So my train of thought at that point was why not feed her away for someone stronger to get a head start. That was about 2 months ago, then this feature came out.

If I have a fully levelled costume, does the 5% mana bonus still apply if I choose not to wear the costume?

Check the FAQs for costumes. Answer is yes… It’s a PERMANENT bonus.

Reading through this thread, seems there’s a lot of confusion on how costumes actually work… Having the costume unlocks the ability to level your hero with the costume on, you don’t really level the costume per sa. So if you have 4 maxed rigards, get one rigard costume, you can now use that costume on each rigard, but you have to level each one of them to get the bonuses that come from having the costume.

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Think of the costume as a master pattern. You create an outfit from that master pattern for each of your heroes. Each outfit is separate, just as each hero is separate, but you only need one master pattern to create it from.


I wander what will be the use of those duplicate costume. Maybe a costume academy to transmute one costume to another?

Fodder :stuck_out_tongue:

It gives bigggg ExP bonuses.

Check here:


I think they just need to add a healer to ranger class.
Good for trials.


Yes, it is an improvement, but that was never in question. The bonus was never in question either, so why say that nobody forces me to wear the costume (although I do plan on it, after I finally get around to leveling them up)?

Actually what I said is true. The “lazy” part is my opinion (I’ll give you that), but it is a lie for them to say that every hero get new special skills, when some of them did not get new skills. Slightly changing the number values does not make it a new skill, as the skill is the same but with different values. If that did count as getting a new special skill, then every time your heroes level up their special skill, they would be getting a new special skill, because the values would be changing. That would be ridiculous, no one would ever make that claim.
Thanks for the confirmation on the leveling cost of the costumes. I had not given up on them, but was mildly skeptical. I am still working on leveling up my other heroes, so I was not planning on working on the costumes for a while. So again, thanks.

I already knew this as I read the other post a few times (plus I thought it a bit obvious, as the hero has the symbol showing the bonus, not just the costume), but thanks for reminding us. I am sure someone reading this will see that info for the first time.

I may read it again, however it did not address my two main issues (pretty much only issues), i.e. what the leveling cost/requirements would be, and it also deceitfully said that all heroes would get new skills, but I already mentioned that.

I have Isarnia’s costume almost at full and now with class quest she hasn’t been automatically included in attack team until I switched her in costume.

I believe its a good idea that when these events come in, the game should switch a hero with costume for that quest.

My luck was that Isarnia’s costume is the only 5* sorcerer and i did remembered in the last second.

Any thoughts about this?

I got 2 costumes total, as I spent nothing. They are identical. I’m thinking I should use 1 to level the other one and get a 50% chance of special increase, rather than wait until after max level for a 100% increase.

Are others pretty much of the same mind?

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Yes. Done that.

You can always level it like how you level normal heroes only faster.

Way faster. I maxed a Hawkmoon costume in two days, which is REALLY FAST for me as I don’t power level or plan for it.