Hero Costume FAQs! Please read for answers to most questions before posting new questions

FAQs for the Hero Costumes – V4, Updated per Version 29 changes

FAQ’s have been updated again to reflect changes in experience gained by feeding duplicate costumes
See Bottom of this Post for Log of Changes made to the FAQs

Summary of the Questions

Click for list of questions

Q0 – where do I get costumes?

Q0b – where do I get costume keys?

Q1 – How to Equip/ Unequip/ Toggle a costume?

Q2 – Levelling my costume? (its now at 1-1 again??)

Q3 – All my XYZ heroes now have the costume?

Q4 – Changed class… What happens to my emblems?

Q4b – Why do Costumes change Class at all?

Q5 – Ascending my new costume?

Q6 – What do I do with Duplicate Costumes?

Q7 – Costume but no Hero?

Q8 – In war, can a costume & not costume be used?

Q9 – I can’t use/ change the costume… It says it’s locked?

Q10 – What is the costume rotation? How often will it appear? Will there be different bosses & different stages?

Q11 – Locking my new costumes? Can I accidentally feed my costume? Could I accidentally feed my costumed hero?

Q12 – Costume Stat Bonus…? What gives?

Costume/Hero Comparison – New vs. Old

Click for summary pictures

I’ll start off with these cool graphics made by @Grimtutor, which summarise all the current Costumes, comparing Before Costume Bonus, Vanilla WITH costume bonus and then the NEW Costumed hero. Credit to @grimtutor for making them, these are AWESOME!
5-Star Heroes & Costumes

4-Star Heroes & Costumes

3-Star Heroes & Costumes

Once again, not my own. I am not the creator of these.

Link to a side-by-side comparison

Also note that costumes have been added to both the 7DD Hero Guide and Razor’s Hero Utility as well as the Line Bot Wise Goat Says by Oggiez.

Link to Levelling Up & Ascending A Costume - Costs, Materials & Experience!!!

Summary Graphics - Ascension Costs & Feeding Exp

Thanks again to @Grimtutor for these :slight_smile:
Ascending a Costume

Feeding a Costume

Here are the Top 13 Questions asked and Answers.


  • Put simply you summon a Costume PATTERN in the Costume Summon Portal (Graphic below).
    • This portal opens when the Costume Quest appears (Same as Atlantis Portal opens when Atlantis Rises Opens).
    • For the frequency of Costume Quests, check out FAQ #10 below.
  • You can summon patterns one of three ways:
    1. Single summon by spending 5 Costume Keys.
    2. Single summon by spending 350 gems.
    3. 10x summon by spending 3000 gems.
  • Summon rates are comparable to Hero Summon Odds.
    • Rare = 71.0%
    • Epic = 26.5%
    • Legendary (Featured) = 1.3% (of getting one of 2 legendary costumes)
    • Legendary (Non-Featured) = 1.2% (of getting one of the other 6 legendary costumes)
    • Hero of the Month = 1.3%
NOTE ON THE ODDS!! Break it down on a Per-Hero chance
  • Featured Costumes = 2. Thus 1.3% divide 2 = 0.65% chance of getting either of the Featured Legendary Heroes
  • Non-Featured Legendary = 6. Thus 1.2% divide 6 = 0.2% chance of getting one of the 6 other legendary costumes (Same as odds of getting a specific Event legendary hero)
  • Note, as more Legendary costumes are introduced, the comparative likelihood of a Featured Costume will increase more.
Click for pictures

Costume quest and costume chamber portal:

Costume chamber summon costs:

Costume summon odds:


Most obvious source will be the Costume Quest Completion. Each costume quest rotation there is a total of 10 keys available to earn (equal to two summons).

  • This is a challenge structured similar to the Class Trials.
  • You earn:
    • 1x Key for completing a 2000 TP challenge,
    • 1x Key for completing a 2500 TP challenge,
    • 1x Key for completing a 3000 TP challenge,
    • 2x Keys for completing a 3500 TP Challenge,
    • 2x Keys for completing a 4000 TP Challenge and;
    • 3x keys for completing a 4500 TP Challenge
  • the published frequency of the Costume Quests is in FAQ #10 below.

Other places you can get Keys from now (as of V26 release) include:

  • Mystic Vision rewards
  • War Chest Rewards
  • Wanted Mission Rewards (Titan, PvP & Monster)
Click for pictures

Table stolen from @zephyr1s post Here

Q1 – How to Equip/ Unequip/ Toggle a costume?

Costumes are equipped & unequipped/ Toggled via the Hero Roster. Simply:

  1. Go to the Hero Roster
  2. Tap the Hero you want to wear/not wear the costume
  3. Use the arrows to select the version you want
  4. Hit “EQUIP” to action it.
  5. If your hero is in a team already, there may be a warning message which you need to accept to continue equipping the costume
Steps in Pictures

Equipping from Hero Roster:





You can also toggle a costume from the Team Editor screen:

  1. In the Team Editor screen find the hero you want to change the costume of
  2. Tap the “?” button on the top right corner of their icon. This will open the hero card view.
  3. Use the arrows to toggle to the version you want
  4. Hit the Equip Button
  5. Hit the little red ‘x’ to close the hero card.
Steps in Pictures

Equipping from Team Editor Screen:






Video version:

Q2 – Levelling my costume? (Its now at 1-1 again??)

Part 1 – The hero is now at 1-1 again!

  • yes, costumes must be levelled up too! (Didn’t think you’d get it for nothing…?) Note with levelling a costume that it is capped in ascension to the same point as the underlying hero.
  • you can also toggle between the 1-1 costume and the normal hero! No progress is lost, just another path you can follow. Simply tap the hero in the roster and hit the arrow button on screen.

(See FAQ #1 above)

Part 2 – Levelling the Costume!
Check this link for the exp gained, food costs & full requirements to level & ascend a costume from 1-1 to max

  • Costumes are levelled the normal way by feeding heroes to it BUT ALSO by feeding it duplicate costume patterns (this is new & unique)
  • Levelling up a Costume Requirements in the “Click for pictures” below.
  • BUT! the highlights are that its quicker to level a Costume because:
    • Increased experience!!
    • reduced food cost per level
    • Plus you can feed duplicate costumes (more below) for BULK exp.

NOTE a costume’s ascension point CANNOT exceed the ascension level of the base hero. to max a costume the hero must also be at least final ascension.

Click for Pictures of Levelling Up a Costume

These images are all taken from the above link.

Total Exp requirements to Max a Costume:

Experience Gained by Feeding Heroes & Costumes:

Special Skill Increase Percentage:

Cost of Ascending (Material & Food Requirements):

Feeding a hero:

Q3 – All my [Insert Hero Name] now have the costume?

  • Yes! What you summon from the portal is a costume PATTERN.
  • Each heroes then wears a COSTUME OUTFIT made from this PATTERN.
  • Each costume however must be levelled up individually. I.e. levelling costume a will not reflect/transfer onto hero b wearing the same costume

NOTE AGAIN, levelling a hero costume is capped at the same ascension tier as the underlying hero… A 1-1 base hero cannot have a costume out of tier 1.

Q4 – Changed class… What happens to my emblems?

Nothing! Nothing happens to the emblems you’ve already spent, they’re still on your normal hero (refer to Q1 about the toggling)

  • To be very clear about Emblems and costumes!
    • A hero can ONLY get emblems from its original class.
      • E.g. Normal Joon = monk, Costume Joon = Fighter. Can still only give nodes using MONK emblems, regardless of if it is costumed or not.
    • Emblem effects ONLY kick in for the costume once the costume is maxed also!
      • A +20 normal cleric Rigard will have +20 on his costume WHEN the costume also hits 4-70
    • Emblem Path is inherited from the original Hero!
      • So using +20 Rigard again, if you went L,R,L,L,L,R,L on normal Rigard, the costume emblem pathway will also be L,R,L,L,L,R,L…
      • The path will be the same but the benefits at each node will change cause it’s a different class

Another thread has been started asking if you will reset/ change emblem paths because of the new Costumes. Link Here

Q4b – Why do the costumes change Class at all???

Best I can tell there are a two main reasons:

  1. Access to a different Class bonus talents.
    • Changing from a Monk to a Fighter changes the talent from Withstand to Revive.
    • This new talent may better suit the new costume play styles…
    • Could also be viewed from a perspective of gaining access to a BETTER class/talent by spending the emblems of a WEAKER class (e.g. upgrading from Wizard to Rogue)
  2. Additional Versatility
    • Primarily this is in relation to Class Trials! The new costumes will be usable in the costumes new class trials!!!
    • Means you get extra versatility from the same hero, being able to compete in more trials… So for example with Costume Rigard & Costume Boldtusk, the Ranger & Monk class now have a healer available.

Q5 - Ascending my new costume?

Yes! Same as above that you need to level the costume, you also have to ascend the costume. BUT, like the levelling, the ascension materials/requirements are reduced!!! 4 and 5 star costumes need much less in terms of non-farmable mats.

Note again that the COSTUME cannot go past the BASE HERO ascension… To max out a costume, the base hero must be fully ascended first, which costs the usual amount. .

Ascension Requirements, taken again from this thread with full details about level-up & ascension of costumes.

Q6 - Duplicate costumes?

At this stage there is no reason to keep duplicate Costume Patterns… You only need ONE (1) pattern to fit out ALL copies of the hero with a costume. So what do you do with them?

  • Eat them!!! You get a massive exp boost for feeding costumes. Similar to using a trainer hero.
  • When feeding a hero and you have duplicate costumes, there is a new little tab when selecting the feeders which says “Costumes”
  • Note with this, the game WILL NOT let you feed the last copy of a Costume so you don’t need to worry about locking heroes!
Click for pictures

Q7 – Costume but no hero?

This FAQ has been removed as with the new build, costume PATTERNS AND HERO’s are summoned at the same time. Original Build was that you summoned ONLY the pattern in the costume chamber.

NOTE – Players who summoned in the original (first release) costume chamber WILL NOT be given the hero. SGG response to this HERE

Q8 - In war, can a costume and not costume both be used?

Short answer, no. It’s still just 1 hero with two looks. Link to my explanation on another thread HERE

Confirmed in another thread by a Beta Tester. Link: Is it possible to use a costume version of a hero separately in Alliance Wars?

NOTABLE EXCEPTION: You can use a costumed and non costumed hero as long as you have two of that hero. If you have two Boldtusks, your defence could have a regular one and an Iron Chef costumed one, you just need to Level two of BT… One all the way to max, other to at least 4-1 with costume to 4-70.

Q9 - I can’t use/change the costume or hero, it says it’s locked?

This FAQ has been removed as with Version 28, Costumes used in War or Tournament Defence Teams no longer lock out the use/ changing of that hero & costume.

Q10 – What is the Costume Quest & Chamber Rotation? How often they appear? Will there be different bosses & different stages like the Class Trials?

  • Initial release indicates it will be open once a month. So pencil it in for either the the third Monday of each month (Stay tuned once it comes around again). - Link to release Info
  • Regarding different bosses/ stages like Class Trials, its not yet FULLY known as there hasn’t been a second cycle of the Costumes yet… It seems likely that there will be different types but again, stay tuned!!

February 2020 appeared at 08:00 UTC on the 3rd Monday of the month. This may be the new schedule :slight_smile:

Costume Quest History:

Q11 – Locking my new costumes? Could I accidentally feed my costume? Could I accidentally feed my costumed hero?

In regards to locking the costume PATTERN, the answer is NO! There doesn’t appear to be any mechanic to lock a costume BUT, the game won’t let you feed the last copy of a costume (Graphic hidden below).

As for feeding a Hero who you’ve levelled a costume, well if you LOCK that hero, you can’t accidentally feed him (Graphic also below)

Click for pictures

“Last copy of this costume” message:

Refresher on locking hero:

Q12 - Costume Bonus…? Base Stat bonus…? What gives???

First off, lets read the Costume Bonus description:
“Costume Bonus permanently increases the stats of the Hero AND their Costume. Bonuses can be increased by ascending and fully levelling up a costume of the hero”

Costume Bonus Pictures

So, couple things we can take out of that description!

  1. The costumes give an automatic boost to the base hero & costume hero stats as compared to the normal vanilla hero before you got a costume.
  2. Initially, this stat boost IS NOT AT THE MAXIMUM available. It gets better as you level and ascend the costume through its tiers.
  3. This bonus is based on the BASE STATS of the hero. As it is applied to the hero card itself, any further multipliers (like troops or in game buffs) will be even better!!!
  4. It is permanent. This goes back to the fact that you can NEVER get rid of all the costumes from a hero. You can choose to not wear it/ use it but it will ALWAYS give you that buff in the stats :smiley:

A note on the Costume Bonus needing to be levelled up, graphic below shows the progression of Costume Bonus with levelling up the Costume. RED text is estimated.

FAQ Versions & Release Notes for Costumes

V1 of FAQs - As per original release of costumes to game in Version 24 (Oct 2019) - LINK

V2 of FAQs - As per second release of costumes to game in Version 26 (Jan 2020) - LINK

V3 of FAQs - Amended to remove Q9 as costumes are no longer locked by War/ Tournaments (Per V28 Update (Mar 2020) - LINK

V4 of FAQs - Updated to adjust the Experience Gained by feeding duplicate costumes (Per V29 Update in Apr 2020) - LINK


Still to do:

  • N/A, currently updated

Small correction:

4* heroes need 1x 3* Ascension Material

5* heroes need 4x 3* Ascension Material


Updated. Are you sure tho? Had a friend say that he only used one orb for Viv… And @Traggeter said it was one only too?

It requires 4x in Beta, including based on testing it right now.

It’s possible they changed that in the live game. :man_shrugging:

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It’s really stupid that the same costume must be leveled twice for 2 of the same hero to benefit from it. I guess it’s something that they don’t make you have multiple dupes of the same costume, but c’mon…


I haven’t verified this yet, but I’m guessing this could be clarified to something like, you can use a costumed and non costumed hero as long as you have two of that hero. If you have two Boldtusks, your defense could have a regular one and an Iron Chef costumed one.

Great work! Thanks for putting this together!


Do you get the costume bonus, if a fully ascended hero wears a non leveled costume or does that weaken the hero to the shown stats?

Imo those costumes are too much for the game and more confusing than improving it.


It takes 4 coats to cover her fully.


Not sure if this is the place to ask, but do we know if the costume quest is going to be different each time? As in, different bosses next month?

Thanks for the FAQ!

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I have also been unclear on how the costume bonus works. Are the stats shown on the maxed costumed card (e.g., in the Costume Chamber) accounting for the bonus or not? I’d guess no, as a quick check reveals that costumed Bane doesn’t have 105% of the attack of non-costumed Bane.

Another way of saying this (again, only if my guess is correct):
The maxed costume, as shown in the chamber is the baseline. The costume bonus is then applied on top of that.

(That said, I am less than 100% certain.)

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So, I’ve pulled 3 costumes now, and only one of them changes the special skill of the hero. Tyrum’s costume changes him from a debuff on the enemy to a dispell on allies. However, Li Xiu and Bane only change the Character class of the hero. What’s up with that? Is this a bug? Is the only benefit we get for leveling the costume the “costume bonus”?

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Gonna join the crowd of people confused about how the stat bonuses work.

I ascended my Isarnia costume one rank. Now Isarnia, both costumed and not, have a couple of % costume bonus stats. So those apply regardless of whether the costume is equipped, yes? And do you only see the bonus applied when in battle?


If you look at the special skill descriptions for the maxed costumes, you will see that they are a bit different in terms of their strength and effect. In Bane’s case, the damage drops 20% but the accuracy debuff increases 5%.

These costumes are the biggest waste of time & money yet! Same old poop, different pile.

Candy crush has thousands of levels. Why can’t SG crank out Season 3?


So continue playing Candy Crush. Cheers :slight_smile:


I am still confused. I got a costume for Boldtusk, fully ascended. So if my understanding is correct I can only put fighter emblems on since that is the class of the original Boldtusk. So if I put the costume on and he becomes a Monk he still works with his fighter emblems but can now fight in a trails as a Monk? At the moment my fully ascended Boldtusk is 644 with the costume it is 313. So the costume is of no value until its fully ascended?


Thanks Paranoia. That’s what I was thinking, but just wasn’t sure. Li Xiu is the same. Her Damage % goes up, but the mana drain went down. Also her max stats increase a decent amount. I was just expecting more dramatic changes like those for Rigard, etc.

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I was lucky (I guess) to pull the isarnia costume. I currently have a 3/70 Isarnia. I have currently leveled the costume to 3/60. I have stopped for now because I am unsure if I need to fully ascended my 3/70 isarnia to get the largest bonus from the costume?

It wouldn’t seems to make sense to be able to level a costume to 4/80 and get the full stats from the costume when the base character is still 3/70.

Should I have waited to level up and ascend the costume with only having my Isarnia at 3/70? Should I continue to ascend the costume ands then ascend the original version of isarnia after?

I am confused by this. I don’t want to lose out on any benefits of the costume with leveling it up on a 3/70 Isarnia that isn’t fully ascended. but want to max it and hopefully emblem this Sort version of isarnia.

Anyone have clarification on this?

How much exp does it give though??

For example, the 1-4 trainer heroes give more if you use them on a same colored hero. A 1 star will give 1000 exp, 2 star gives 1500, 3 star gives 2500, and 4 star gives 5000 exp on different colored heroes. If used on same color heroes, then they give 1200, 1800, 3000, and 6000 exp if I did the math right. 5% bonus I think it is.

So my question is. My duplicate Bane costume, gives Bane costume 9528 exp, but that’s only cause that’s the max exp to reach level 50. So do duplicate costumes give like 10,000 exp or more, and I should wait until ascending him to get the max exp from it?? or is 9528 all the exp a level 3 duplicate costume gives and should just use now instead of waiting to use on next ascension tier

Another example. For Joon costume, a 3 star light costume will give him 4800 exp. While a non-light 3 star costume gives him 3200 exp. It seems there’s no info on how much duplicate costumes give, other than just “a lot more”. I just don’t want to waste a lot of exp on base tier if it gives a lot more than 9500+…