Hero Balance FAQ - Discussion

I’m not going to read this whole thread, but as someone who has repeatedly discussed and offered up very simple adjustments (not even major changes) that would make useless heros actually work pretty well, the whole “have your opinion heard in the forum” is hollow BS. Simple fixes to Inari and Myztero have been suggested by myself and many others, and are completely ignored. Making Inari summon minions automatically would be a MASSIVE boost to her effectiveness. It doesn’t make her OP, it’s not even a remotely crazy idea, there would still be minion summoners much, much more powerful than her, but it would help put her back into our lineups. If you want us to “share our opinions” you have to make at least SOME effort to actually listen to them.


SG had plenty of occasions for communication with us. I can only imagine how their ‘metrics’ look like considering that they actually explain sth to the community.

My point earlier is that if Telluria is “useless” (and only being used because she is slightly better than more useless choices like un-emblemed Lianna or Kadilen)…

…WHY continue to insist on using Green tanks at all? :thinking: These are choices being made across the E&P plain by many many alliances. Clearly they think Telluria (or Telluria+other heroes) are better than other tank choices, or they wouldn’t use her.


That’s normal.

What was abnormal was watching your cups climb higher while you were offline.

Welcome to game balance.

If they don’t control the power creep.
And let them continuously run amuck.
Your entire roster will be ineffective,
over time… regardless!

The proper solution is to ensure they are closer to balance before release.

And then there will be complaints…
For Buffs!

Granted… some heroes are unquestionably stronger than others. And some heroes are unquestionably weaker than others too. If we’re going to balance. Let’s start by buffing the unquestionably weak.
And then re-assess the situation


I have been discussing about Thor and Jade at some posts and I am not pleased with it at all. There are too wide gaps between certain heros and this should disturb the creators. As you check the regular top players, you could only name 10 or 15 heros. This case sabotages the creativity of this game. Please re-check either your beta tester squad or give up releasing OP heroes intentionally whose absence disturbs those who do not own them and as a matter of fact they end up craving for buffs/debuffs in thid forum while enjoying the game awaits.

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Every game with some sort of competition does have a meta-game! No matter which game you play there will always be a tier list for Heroes, Card-Decks, Teams, etc.

In fact 10-15 heroes isn’t a bad meta. Take a look back at Tellu-Vela Gate cause that was an unhealthy meta with less then 10 different Heroes within the Top 100 Meta.

So i stronly disagree with your argument. If you want a more diversed Meta so eg. 20-25 Top-Tier Heroes it would meen that SGG has to release more heroes who are at least on par with the existing Top Tier. At least what i’ve heard and read so far that’s what the community is rioting against.

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10-15 heroes isn’t bad? Are you kidding? People are bored of trying to beat the same heros at the op tier clashes. Variety is not sufficient. If you want to contradict me, instantly control the number of different heros of top 30 teams. Majority does not have the wish for encountring new OP heroes. Majority requests justice(requesting buffs/nerfs) and they want to see that the ability of matching heroes in harmony in the same team makes a difference. From this point of view, the game lacks variety. For instance, I should not be able to state this "Finley-Frigg-Garnet(Bera)-Odin(C Kadilen)-Cobalt(GM) is the best combination. There should be at least 5 or 10 heroes for each position to accept that the varity is ok.

I am not comparing this game with another. I am playing this game and that’s the one I care about.

Have you been a beta tester? :slight_smile:

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Well while i totally understand your point i still have to disagree. No matter the balancing there will always and at any time be Top Tier Heroes on each position and to increase this number they either have to buff existing heroes to make them Top Tier Heroes or release new heroes. But lets check the data first before taking any further assumption.

Source: https://titanmafia.com/

From my point of view we are in a healthy meta and raid formations will diverse it further.

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So… I don’t even have words. How I the world there’s balance here?

+19 Sartana and +0 Dark Lord stats…

She does a bit more % of damage but his maxed stats are basically stronger than Sartana’s on full emblem, except for a little of health.

His skill almost needs 2 pages for writing since he does a ton of things for the same mana speed.

It’s difficult to deal and accept. The thing is I’ll stay f2p. When will you release another legendary dark with 850 base attack points, fast mana, 500% damage, 300 poison damage to all and remove buffs from all enemies to make D. Lord owners buy it and make Sartana look like a further joke?

This game will never be balanced bc of greedy policies but here’s a warning. You’re going too far.


I completely agree, Bloody Hell SG, you See, fact, how can you argue with that.

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Why would there be a discussion on hero balancing when the only buff to expect will come from costumes?

Are we expecting in the distant future that there will be buffs that do not need costumes?


They happened in March last year…and again later in the year. It’s not out of the question

misandra needs a buff. I have written many times about this to support. this is the weakest hero 5*. 40% chance to deal additional damage . In fact, the chance is even less. the chance to deal 3 additional damage is even less. I think Misandra needs a buff. Who feels the same way? sorry for my english )))


Your English is top notch. AND I agree completely that Misandra needs a buff. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Sorry for the stupidity, but:

In which portal do I find Dark Lord?

League of Villains. Don’t know when the next appearence

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I think it is next month…

I don’t think League will be up again for many months. It will alternate with Pirates so it should be 6 months after the last pirates event

I’m usually not the one to rant or spit out negativity as I don’t like to do it.

But after the annoucement of buffing Dark Lord, Crystalis, Director Zuri and Faline I think this FAQ needs an update.

Carefully reading it says

‘From time to time, we do buff older heroes to keep them viable and fun to play with.’

We now have a balance patch for heroes that are at maximum 7,5 months old. For reference, Natalya is Jan 2018 HotM and her only buff she’s gotten is in march 2019. Thats almost 2,5 years ago. This is just one example. There are tons and tons of old heroes that are hardly viable anymore and they don’t seem to get any love any time soon.

Another line I read that I find hard to believe is:

We review player feedback on existing Heroes routinely, so the best way to get your opinion heard is to share your idea on our Community Forum, under the Ideas & Feature Requests category.

There are a lot of threads in there about ideas of buffing certain old heroes that got outclassed by the newer ones (Quote: We use all the tools at our disposal to make sure that the new Heroes won’t be too strong compared to the old ones.). Yet by far the most are not touched at all or given any response by SG.

I understand that not every hero can be buffed purely by making a thread on forum. Neither every ask for a buff is fair in every thread. Though I personally feel like carefully mapping out a buff for a weak hero in the Ideas & Feature category does close to nothing and I’m willing to bet loads of fellow players will feel the same.

The only way (sadly) to get attention from the staff seemingly is to make a general discussion thread where all the negativity is going through the roof. Complain and rant with offensive language as much as you can and if the thread hits ~1500 responses you’ll finally see something from SG (Noor for example).


Yet we see BETA entries like Quenell, Ludwig or even Ferant… not that they will be released like that (I hope).