Hero Balance FAQ - Discussion

I’m pretty sure there was more to it than just that. The original release had problems that sparked sky high flames…
Eventually, more and more came around to acknowledging her…Discrepancies.

And then…

Which… on the first go. Was ineffective.
And many :joy:
Many were not surprised about that! My favorite was a thread that predicted it.

This Hotm…! Was not confined to such a small pool. Not even close! And did not excel in such high numbers because of make-believe reasons.

If this game loses variety and we’re just continually cycling shiny new toys.
Why spend ever? For 6 months to 1 year worth of declaring yourself imba?

Noor was this form of balance confined to just that hero.

The anger and emotion over the alterations of hard earned cash is completely understandable and often justified!

But without balance… your going have that anyway.

This is still being debated:

[Telluria nerfed, how effective it was? - #66 by Guvnor]

So am I.
The first nerf was almost silly. They tried so hard to maintain her average speed.
The second one. Was predicted. For obvious reasons.
And popularity wasn’t it. The statement they released got misconstrued as such. And blown out of proportion afterwards.