Something has happened. The polls are not in the top of this topic:
I am fixing this.
This is the best what I could do. The poll is now in the second post.
Okay then, i add sll my strongest players to them to shorten the pain.
That was a joke, i don’t know with whom i partner him. Of course, he’s far from ready, but his soecial is 8. I used him in friendly raids and expected him to do higher damage.
I agree that it is very uncool that Constance was touted as a still viable hero only a week ago. At the end of the day it depends on the level you play. For some Constance might be okay. But not a good move either way.
Lastly, i got this guy on a third pull, i didn’t spend a shed load of money to get him (,although, my bad, i do that too).
When i got this guy i was disappointed- i just thought 'oh no not another healer.'I wanted Ironmaw. Lol!
No other hero is even close to how overpowered Sludges is.
Congrats on pulling her but this DESPERATELY needs the biggest nerf the game has ever seen
“DESPERATELY has the biggest need for a nerf this game has ever seen. “
There, I’ve fixed it for you. Absolutely no one is calling for this hero to be rendered useless. Just toned down to a more palatable level of ridiculousness.
Could it be because it got a whole thread merged into this one?
Yes, probably it has became incorrect due to a merge with Preserve order option.
I know there are some people who react to seemingly any nerf as “well it’s nerfed, now it’s useless,” but at the very least the damage per dodge could be cut down quite a lot and this would still be a very strong hero.
I have thought about starting another post in the “Ideas” forum something like “Make Nerfs Temporary/Reviewable,” i.e. one of the usual arguments against nerfing is “but by next year/month/second there will be another hero more powerful than this so why nerf it?” so…
…why not have a “sunset clause” or “automatic review” period for any hero that gets nerfed, say something like 6 months – any time a hero gets nerfed, at the end of that period the nerf is reviewed vis-a-vis other heroes since release, and then either
If folks knew that nerfs would always be reviewed and eventually possibly lifted (as opposed to “maybe ‘balance’ update someday, mostly based on whether the hero is about to appear in a portal again”), that might make the prospect a little more palatable.
Of course, there is a big problem: temporary nerfing does nothing to address the problem of power creep becoming exponential power rush becoming ill-considered power step function – these considerations REALLY need to be addressed in Beta i.e. before release! But… a “temporary/up for review nerf” might be a useful bandage for the problem at least?
But if there is going to BE a long run, SG needs to back off on the “premium heroes can only be significantly countered by other recent premium heroes” trend. I think we are all used to premium heroes conferring an advantage, of course, but the more a player almost must have a good number of “latest heroes” in order to face whatever the latest portal has vomited out, the more a lot of players are just turned off from the game.
We got into this game for strategy, not “whoever throws the most cash has a nigh-insuperable advantage.”
With the exception of Playforfun with the sneakpeaks of everything that is new in this game, all I hear about beta is SG doesn’t listen to them.
What does beta even mean?
I do apologise folks . I meesed up the topic.
Thanks @PlayForFun for sorting my f’up
I beat c diaochan consistently in raids. But wars is a different thing altogether
It is indeed important to test and confirm if elves can be dodged.
I recorded a video showing you can dodge elves, but this forum only allows direct posts of pictures not videos, so:
Demilune - Astral Elf whose special (“Moon Beam Crush”) cannot miss.
Margaret - gives dodge to self / nearby. Her buff is already active in these screenshots.
Miki - equipped with barbarian emblems, not rogue.
Miki dodged Demilune. Therefore it’s safe to assume this slime hero can dodge all astral elves.
(And, of course, the forum posts the screenshots out of order. The bottom pic is before, the top one after Demilune’s special fired.)
The polls Dodged the topic
I hereby call for this hero to be nerfed into uselessness. Please make it worse than Exeera.
This hero is too weak, it needs a buff, add toons lvl resist status and direct dmg mitigation like soft/stoneskin. While adding status to enemies and active direct dmg will not be a bad idea either.
Could you guys explain to me what is the reason behind this big outrage? I’m not biting, I am just wondering, because I wasted 3 crates of food just to find her fully leveled during raiding, took a team of 4 purples (Knave 4.80, toon sartana 4.80, toon domitia 4.85, darkfeather 4.90) and toon marjana 4.90 and sludgus went down no problem. Did she spawn her mega minions? Yes, the same as Fungustine but I do not see outrage like this in her section, and Fungustine is also a healer…
Most of you already have several 5*troops, overhealers so there are ways to defend yourself and beat sludgus.
Is it because against sludgus you guys cannot use 1-hit kill all mega hitters?
If her dance can dodge elves like Lemonwood, then she is even greater because we can treat her as indirect nerf to Lemonwood.
To be fully transparent I have sludgus, I am extremely happy with her because I pulled her with 3 pulls I had since becoming f2p 5 months ago, but since I didnt waste real money chasing her I won’t feel that bad after nerf hammer will strike.
The way some ppl see the world is rather interesting. I also have 50+ LB2 lv25 emblemed hero, that I did not lvl
The way some ppl see the world is rather interesting. Like you deserve to compete easily against everything just because you are a player. you don’t .
People have to loose their unreasonable entitlement.
You don’t realise you went off topic and saying things that is actually completely different from what was highlighted, is actually amazing. You assumed everyone should have “several” lego troops, hence I completed it for you by highlighting everyone should also have 50+ LB2 Lv25 emblemed hero too! (Normal rational person will see the absurdity)
But your defense is to go off tangent and accuse others for being too entiled. And that not everyone is should expect to be at the very top lvl in a Pay2Win game. Which you think will defeat my highlight of your ridiculously point of what ppl should have.
But actually, I agree that ppl are separated by wealth in a Pay2Win game not skill, I said that myself on many occasions.
From “everyone should have several lego troops” and ways to defend yourself. To “not everyone should expect to compete”. You really don’t realise those 2 view/sentence cannot be further away from each other. I will put them together if it isn’t clear enough:
“Everyone should have several lego troops, multiple LB2 hero, many ways to defend yourself, but yet, even though you shoud have all those things to defend yourself, ppl should however not to expect to compete, otherwise you are too entiled”
Everyone should have many ways to defend themselves, but ppl are feeling too entiled to compete cause not everyone will have what it takes to compete. Can those 2 views be more opposite to each other?
The fact is that you are only seeing things for yourself, which makes it clear to me I have to stop cause nothing will make sense to you. But is funny nonetheless .
I disagree “-everyone- should have several lego troops, many ways to defend yourself”
I agree that not everyone is expected to compete at the highest lvl in a Pay2Win game
But somehow you actually agree with me that not everyone will have all those things you need to defend yourself. Hence don’t feel entitled to compete at highest lvl because not everyone will have everything they need to survive at highest lvl lmao