⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Khufu

For those who says he’s not overpowered. I’m sure 99% of you are P2P players (or extremely lucky) so you have so many great, new, shiny, powerful heroes that you lack the perspective to see how strong he is. As a player who plays since 2017 and still uses mostly S1 and many 4* heroes It’s amazing how much o a difference Khufu is - both in defence and ofence.

Before I have put him in my farming team (which is also my defence team) I was oscillating around 2400-2500 cups. But since I repaced Russel with him I’m staying constantly above 2700, so Khufu alone is making all the difference (no good team sinergy, random placement of heroes and team formation), which in my opinion is a clear indication of him being OP.

In offence no other hero I have is able to win raids by himself and I had some raids, when he was literraly the only one who fired a special and won a raid. Today I had a raid when i was struggling to gain any mana, 3 of my heroes died before doing anything. When I finally got some tiles the opposite teams was practically at almost full health (my tiles which charged my mana was placed into Kunchen who healed his whole team to near full health). I fired Khufu, then hit the middle three hit some tiles (one red tile each) which killed then and remaining two were killed 2 turns later, when they were near death from DoT damage. That is completely overpowered in my opinion.


Not sure if you know anything about basketball. If you don’t, just disregard the rest of my post.

But if you do, you might know of this basketball player called “Carmelo Anthony”.

Carmelo is what I like to call a “difficult shot maker”. He is able to do what 99.99% of the rest of the players can’t - he can score from extremely challenging positions and make challenging shots.

So you might say he’s “over-powered” and one of the best basketball players ever and has probably won so many NBA championships - but then you’d be wrong.

See, even though he has the POTENTIAL to make these difficult shots, he is inefficient. One might argue instead of getting into a position of needing to make a difficult shot, it’s better altogether just to be able to put yourself in a position where you don’t have to take a difficult shot, and instead you can just make an easy shot like a lay-up.

Carmelo has probably single-handedly won some games where his teammates have sucked. That’s probably why he’s famous. But I doubt he will ever carry his team to a championship - because POTENTIAL doesn’t mean crap when it’s inefficient.


people saying he is op … he doesn’t hit all most of the time

chain hits is the worst mechanic in the game.
my khufu was at 3.70 before the buff, the buff makes his damage reasonable as most of the time he will be hitting 2 enemies. He has much higher chance hitting all when he is on defence but being slow makes up for it.

note: roostley needs a similar buff (330% damage instead of 280%)

He it’s far from OP no matter in defense or in offense, I have him like tank because the change of hitting first, from 2700 cups where usually I was now I am at 2500-2550, I have tested him in any formation and in any position the results it’s the same, even Anzogh makes much better work for me than him, in offense what I said, with this buff he became a slow sniper nothing more nothing less, for this who this hero it’s working I am really happy, but for me he it’s remaining useless.


If you are complaining about him, hitting lesser heroes in offense, then you are doing it wrong.

Don’t prioritize the goddamn middle target(s).

Don’t attack teams which you are less likely to benefit his skills and tap reroll.

Plan ahead and put some brains and effort to try to setup things for Khufu.

You can’t simply toss a hero like this into battle without applying a proper strategy and expect to see that 5x1.1k+ damage


Don’t want to argue but you just made me laugh by “chain hit” is worst in game.

Chain hit is definitely worse than hit all but better than hit three.

Yes it’s good strategy: put him with fast or average heroes, charge them and after this don’t hit to kill the opposite heros just to wait for Khufu to hit his 1k. I have some news for you, Xnophold and co. don’t gives you this time. I didn’t argue with no one, also I said I am happy for this ones which like him and work for them, I really am tired to argue for this stupid hero, if you like him use him and don’t give a … what me or somebody else it’s said for him.

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How in heck can a hero do 900 plus sand damage as a tank on EVERY HERO? Come the heck on Zynga / SG… you know these heros need nerfed OR YOU NEED TO BUFF EVERYONE ELSE.


I do think they’ve gone overboard on the hit all heroes. It is my opinion that no single hero special should wipe out or nearly wipe out an entire team of maxed and emblemed 5 stars at full health. There’s now several heroes released that are capable of this. If you’re dealing with just one of them on the enemy defense you can play around it strategically, but with multiple of these on the enemy team it makes it near impossible to win unless you luck out with a great starting board. However, I play for fun mostly so I don’t really care if I lose raids. I do notice the issue though.


Yeah, they definitely overbuffed this guy. Slow speed on a defense isn’t really that slow with cascades going off. Khufu and Goseck need nerfs now IMO. They were fine before the last buff!


Fully agree with you, Both Khufu and Goseck need to be back to their previous attack stats… They’re really OP


most of slow heroes don’t get attention by todays fast mana meta, khufu being slow finally can stand out of the slow crowds, so at least there is one or two good slow hero (you know MN and alby was good back then in top tier defense but rarely being used anymore on diamond tiers defense right now).

so khufu take the place, and slow powerful hero still exist and not entirely extinct right now.

note: i have khufu and might bias toward this, but thats my 2cents

he need 12 tiles to charge up

there is a very good chance the middle or someone else dying by the time he charges up (if it is not too late already) and if you purposely stall or let them heal, there is a high chance it will backfire and you’ll lose if that defence is strong.

it is the worst, that why they buffed him in the first place.
he is a decent chain hero now but i prefer chain to be removed from the game altogether.

roostley vs killhare is a clear one. no one saying roostley is great, he is considered terrible and by far the worst springvale. players mostly ascended him to get the full family bonus. even normal lepus is better than him who was released years before.

depends on the speed
slow heroes who hit 3 aren’t common
the only one comes to mind is khagan and he does 380% damage which was better than khufu before the buff


I agree, let him hit all but at a reasonable 350%!


Hit all. 350%. Speed Average. EDD to all enemy.


This poll is AN ABSOLUTE JOKE.

Every person who says he is weak has them and does not want a nerf.

Even if I had him…he needs nerfed OR BUFF MORE HEROS

Dude, khagan was TRASH before the buff and his Defense is low…Khufu D is literally over 900…might as well make Elena have 960 D

@Star150m what you describe makes perfect sense.
no need to serve them. what we describe. they still won’t accept our opinion. all have pros and cons.
wait for more OP heroes like 2nd quintus costume or something else. they’re going out to brag again for nerfs. nerf here and there.
instead of asking for nerf , it’s better to ask for buffs. I don’t understand their thinking. but such people will always be there. just leave it.
you got it right. you are really worthy as an alliance leader who used to get into the top 100. your thinking is critical and broad my friend!


the poll was before his buff and he was terrible at the time

i agree

he is still meh with how bad s1 stats now.

380% as damage sounds like a reasonable for slow hitting 3 at the time

now probably needs to be increased as average speed hitting 3 are getting there

most who say he is op act as he always fires and always does full chain…
his full potential is strong but it is not often with his speed

it happens with many heroes, even kadilen costume had a thread some made it like her dodge is 100% and nothing can counter her…
it will happen with other heroes


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Correectt!! 1000% agree.