⚖ Hero Balance Discussion: Exeera

Just remove the ice immunity, she is totally defence hero, but this thing breaks her totally down. SG please.


Actually fought her on a defense team and she was useless, it was one of the easiest raids I’ve had to do. She’s so UP (underpowered) :joy:

What happened?
Lock the picture pls


According to the picture, the amount of damage should be 273 And with 9 blue stones on the board, the damage should be more But why does 208 damage to the enemy ??

That 273 + 9* 39 = 624 Water damage is applied over 3 turns so 624 / 3 = 208 damage per turn.

So it is working as expected.


Don’t put this chick on defense… EVER!


Omg she really is pretty bad. She is one of the only heroes that could potentially do no damage to anyone (of all colours) with the simple fire of a status ailment blocker, other than JF but at least he also has the defence flip. I feel like Mokk-Arr is way better with his direct damage :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s why she’s just badly designed. If she only had priority dispel.
Also, get guardian chameleon when SE arrives. He pretty much solves all of exeera’s problems

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What a disappointment, this hero! I still don’t know if it’s worth it to spend the resources to level her up, they really should buff her up, this card design is unacceptable and a mockery to the players who invest in the game to pull it. I understand that not all cards can be strong as Elizabeth and Xnopold and so on, but they should have at least some use somewhere!


I only find one use for it and it is in the soul exchange event


To be fair she isn’t entirely useless, you could put her in to support a Nature tank and hope that the attacker doesn’t read her card and then goes mono red…I don’t know… :person_shrugging:

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And bunch of blue tiles

I wish she was at least decent, not OP… How can we have devs looking into her, or they are focused on S5 heroes and we should forget about Exeera buffs?

Forget about it. It’s never coming.

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I’ve just realized that some non-blue heroes are also completely immune to Exeera’s attacks: for example, Zocc, Yang Mai…

What a joke this hero is… Can we create a petition to buff her?


Slayers can also half her DOT with their passive


She definitely needs a buff. Bumping this board. Please balance Exeera and at least make her usable…

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She will be worth 20 souls in future SEs because she is that useless

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They just announced balance changes for so many heroes and not a word about Exeera. I can’t even understand why they buff so many strong heroes and leave her out of it, when she is so weak. And she was supposed to be a brand new featured hero of S4.


sadly “buffs” now are only for new heroes when their portals are coming next month.

there are many heroes like exceera who will be ignored when they clearly need buffs like jade, shale, myztero, aeron and few others until a weird miracle strikes like what happened to inari and salmon loki recently

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It’s only for event heroes, S4 may come soon

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