Hero Academy 7

Credit to @yelnats_24

Lets suppose TC2 give:
55% 1* (150 XP)
45% 2* (390 XP)
Thus 1 training equal to 55%×150 + 45%×390 = 258 XP

Interjecting here. I’m under the assumption TC2 is 50/50 1/2, but yelnats math is more conservative, which is probably better.**

50%×150 + 50%×390 = 270

While HA7 give:
50% 1* trainer (1000 XP)
40% 2* trainer (1500 XP)
9% 3* trainer (2500 XP)
1% 4* trainer (5000 XP)
Thus 1 training equal to 50%×1000 + 40%×1500 + 9%×2500 + 1%×5000 = 1375 XP

Me again. Let’s use the percentages for the beta 501 trainings.

  • 52.9% 1* trainer (1000 XP)
  • 37.7% 2* trainer (1500 XP)
  • 8.8% 3* trainer (2500 XP)
  • .6% 4* trainer (5000 XP)
  • Thus 1 training equal to 52.9%×1000 + 37.7%×1500 + 8.8%×2500 + .6%×5000 = 1344.5XP

This math is a bit more conservative.

1375/258 = 5.33
XP from HA7 is 5.33 larger than TC2 per training.

Using my numbers HA7 is 1344.5/270=4.98 times more XP per training.

Time wise, TC is 30 minutes while HA7 is 9 hours (18 times slower), which means the XP/hour is:
TC2: 258×2 = 516
HA7: 1375÷9 = 152.78

516/152.78 = 3.38
XP per hour from TC2 is 3.38 times larger than HA7.

Same math, slightly different numbers.
TC2: 540 xp per hour
HA7: 149.39 xp per hour
XP per hour from TC2 is 3.61 times greater than HA7.

Food cost wise, TC2 cost 2000 while HA7 cost 45000. As we need 5.33× TC2 training to match 1 HA7 in XP, the food cost of TC2 become 5.33 × 2000 = 10660. The difference is 45000-10660 = 34340. However, it means we are feeding 5.33x heroes instead of just 1 (4.33 more).

34340÷4.33 = 7930
If the cost of feeding a hero is 7930 or lower, TC2 is cheaper.
If the cost of feeding a hero is higher than 7930, HA7 is cheaper.

My math. 4.98*2000=9960. Difference 45000-9960-35040. 35040/3.98=8804.02
Use TC2 below 8804 food per feed. If the cost is higher than 7930, HA7 is the ticket.

:beer::bacon::metal:Final thoughts: Yelnats math is almost the same as mine and I agree with the method. The percentage of trainer heroes isn’t disclosed so who knows exactly what the demarcation line is. If we combine the more conservative numbers from TC2 and HA7, 8210.77 is the deciding point.

TL;DR: If the cost to feed a hero is over 8211, HA7 is worth it, otherwise use TC2.