🤔 Help @zephyr1 figure out what to do about Summons result posts in New Hero discussion threads

IMO, for atlantis, there are Atlantis summon mega thread, so it is better post lucky/unlucky post to those thread.
For event, also has a thread that is already included (summon result) in tittle, so it is also better post there.

The problem is HOTM-only does not have any summon thread, I think if we want to post lucky/unlucky pull to HOTM thread is okay for me, so just add tittle include summon result :+1:

The problem is show off atlantis or event pull in HOTM thread.
This is the point.

Example good post in HOTM thread:
I get Kingston, blabla what do you think people… should I ascend or wait.

Example not good post in HOTM thread:
I pull 10x atlantis/event get all *3 no atlantis/event, but get HOTM… etc.

EDIT: one more… post lucky/unlucky Atlantis pull to Atlantis Next-Schedule thread.
This thread:

It should be moved to Atlantis Pull thread, not in the schedule atlantis thread.

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