Hi firends… I am preparing my teams for tournaments, in this case working with the rare ones (embleming them). I have questions about wich is the best for each kind of tournament (when red heroes aren’t allowed). Here are the heroes I think could be tanks… So my question is…
1 - The best tank for bloody battle?
2 - The best for rush attack?
3 - The best for buff booster?
Tuck (without costume) or By-Ulf for Rush
Brienne for Bloody (Shrubbear might be good too)
Tuck (no C.)/Shrubbear/By-Ulf all should be good for buff
Hi Jamir,
Here are my thoughts…any reason you need a green tank?
For tank here’s what I’d recommend:
Bloody Battle: Shrubbear. Since you can’t heal, he can take all the hits while you snipers get the job done. I prefer him at flank, but tank will work too.
Rush Attack: Also Shrubbear. Making him go from slow to fast is VERY valuable. Him and Gunnar are fast tournie gods.
Buff Boost: By-Ulf. Make sure your strong hitters are on flank to benefit from all those buffs.
the reason is because i like tu put a green tank when red heroes are not allowed, I think that is the advantage for those tournaments where a particular colour is not allowed. But there are too many options when you see the green heroes… I dont have the shrubbear yet… or the costum of friar… but I like to see ideas for other people to take best decisions
You forgot about Grevle, who is quite tanky for a 3*. Here are the stats at +17. I think Grevle is best green tank for rush and buff booster. Shrubbear or by ulf is best for bloody battle.
I have him, but I thought he wolud be better at flanks, now I will consider it because I have him woth 20 emblems! thanks