Hi forum guys, the below roster is friend of mine’s. Would you please suggest a team for raid defense?
we would know your best choice and the one having the next team:
left wing-evelynn-khagan/elena-lianna- vela.
wich weaknesses you foresee in the previous team?
Thanks in advance and sorry for my English, i’m genuinely not native, haha.
I’d give Lianna-Elena-Guini-Magni-Sartana a try as @Rigs supposed.
Elena on position 2 seems preferable to me as she might wipe out small remains of heros that otherwise one of the sniper hits might be somewhat of an unnecessary giveaway.
Well, there are two things I think should be considered in that constellation:
• Elena might have the worst defense stats of the heros in that team - hence, maybe not the best choice as tank
• Magni with his special might be better on position 2 or 4 - especially as there are multiple snipers without further specials to take care in positioning
In that link, Elena have high win rate comparable to GM, the poster said her blue stack is weaker than the other colors though.
Normally yes, though with red tank you might want green flank, you can always change Magni position with Drake, but if Elena and Drake fire, 2-3 enemy will die.
Anyway, I hate facing multiple snipers/drake… even with no healer defense… Elena can also be troublesome with revive talent…
But your friend do have a premier tank in Guinevere, but don’t really have good red flank/tank. If only there are other red, I would have suggest:
Yes, i agree in guin being the best. but we were discussing to put a red tank to avoid the killing of evelyn and lianna as flanks. He leans towards khagan for his +mana; i think elena is better cause her talent and when you attack her you want to kill her asap to avoid the triggering. He also want to use Vela to further counter the red stacking against eve/lianna. I think is overkill, i would stack any but red, prolly purple, but i’m a noob regarding 5* rosters.
thanks for all the suggestions,
what do you think of the left wing/eve/red/lianna/vela composition? how you would attack that?
cheers and ty again