Help to finish Guardian Teltoc Challange - Rare (*3 Heroes)

I need suggestion to which one should I use the heroes.
I can not win at Stage 10.

Here my roster list:

Already tried using this Heroes:
Belith - Namahage - Gunnar - Prisca - Chochin
Using item: minor healing - minor mana - arrow attack - bear banner (red)

sad to say, but that’s what hapend when you don’t work on your 3* roster. Try bringing more heal potions, axes and turtle banners.

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I hate to tell you, brother, but given where your heroes are leveled, that might have been your best shot. Maybe you could try switching Gato in for Prisca, but he’s not leveled as high and he stacks a weaker color. You may be out of luck this time.

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I’m not working my 3* roster, because those *3 heroes are new in my rosters, only Bane and Gunnar at earlier game, then my 1st atlantis (last month) Namahage, and Prisca. After that those are new heroes…

Thanks for the tips,… OK Axe worth to to try.

Typically, it is recommended that you go at least 2 deep in each color at the three-star level so you are always ready for events where you need to double the strong color and sit the weak one. Based on what you have now, I’d focus on these:

  • Red: Namahage and Hawkmoon
  • Blue: Valen and Gato
  • Green: Belith and Mnesseus (Remember, Mnesseus and Melia get a bonus to defense if you play them together. The bonus increases playing together with Poseidon, which I plan to do in alliance wars until my Poseidon outgrows the other two.)
  • Yellow: Bane and Melia (Not much choice there, but they are both good.)
  • Purple: Chochin and Gill-Ra. (Gill-Ra and Gato get an attack bonus if you play them together, but Gill-Ra doesn’t attack directly, so that might not be as helpful. In cases where four-stars are allowed, the bonus gets bigger when played with Wilbur and Agwe. The bonus for playing Namahage and Chochin together is garbage until you have high level mana troops.)

Stop working on Prisca; she’s just awful. Maybe consider working on Tyrum and/or Balthazar if you pull them, though.

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Thanks for your suggestion! :smiley:

Red: Yes, okay need healer.
Blue: Yes, I already know from this forum that Valen is best *3 blue (like mini Grimm/Tibs/Gormek), and Gato I see Gato best for Grimforest Event.
Green: OK.
Yellow: Yes, and should I keep those dups for a while?
Purple: OK, but I focus using Chochin to make bosses to slow down the mana.

And yes about Prisca you are pretty right! And I have already pulled dup of Prisca, then direct as feeder to my new Chochin, and again get pulled Ranfeld, also as feeder to Chochin. (this because I have read in this forum, both are not worth, and also Greymane (blue).

You might keep one dupe of Melia, but probably not two. She’s a little different than most dupes because she’s only available from Atlantis, so it might be hard to pull her again if you eat a dupe you wish you hadn’t. That said, I fed my duplicate Melia back to her for the 25% chance to level her special. As part of a 10-stack, you can push that chance to 40% or more, which is about as good as it gets.

Mana control, FTW! Good strategy.

Ah, this one learns quickly! Prisca, Renfeld, and Graymane = hero food. :slight_smile:

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Thank you @Noble_Weasel :smiley:
Well, after seeing progress from post @ansa, I also like to post it here…


I plan not leveling Agwe, and Goobler (but this useful when facing with minion enemy).

@jinbatsu I am Ragan you probably see me in top 10 or around top 10 in the Rare event and I have A YouTube channel where I posted a video on how to complete the events. Hope you will enjoy it and that it will help you through.

- YouTube

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You found it @jinbatsu

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Thank you @Ragan, it is valuable and helpfull, I wish I have those heroes and leveledup… maybe next event ready to complete,… too many todo (leveling up) right now, I’m at SH 14, 3 Training Center:
1st TC11
2nd TC1 & TC2 (depend on backpack and sword)
3rd TC13 (for saving food and also chance a good *3, hope also *4)

You are doing great you got line or discord?

No I don’t have… just use this forum comunity, it is great here to share and discuss…

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Yes it is but on Line or discord I can easier share stuff

I managed to complete all three (Rare, Epic and Legendary) for the first time ever playing. (I didn’t place high at all but I’m excited that I could complete them!) So what I’m about to put here may be simple or stupid to people who rank, but this is how I did it this event.

For the Rare 3* - Belith, Chochin, Balthazar, Namahage and Jahangir (all fully leveled except Namahage at 2-28). None of them have emblems.

Usually what I try to do is save all my arrows and bear banners for the last boss round. I also make sure to go into the final boss fight with all my heroes specials ready to go (all the mana fully charged).

I hope this helps and I hope you are able to clear it and gain the completion reward items!



If at first you don’t succeed, try, try agian,

With that said:

You can do it. Ah, you can do it. All you have to do is put your mind to it.


I used Hawkmoon, Bane, Oberan x2, and Karil all fully maxed. That doesn’t help you now, I know.

No matter, who you take, take bombs, axes, and arrows if you have them. And Mana potions. Save the Mana potions for your healer.

Try to make sure you are fully charged on all your Heroes going into the final battle with the bosses. From the word go, use Your Heroes, a bomb and ax then an arrow. Gem damage to recharge your Heroes and cycle again.

And good luck!

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Thank you @eshcaine, @Meanandnasty. And @Noble_Weasel (switching Prisca to Gato).

Because of you all, I try one again (after 2 day of leveling up some heroes)…
The event has 4 ours left… and the result in one try… (drum bell)…
I finish rare event, yey!

This is current formation what I have:

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Excellent! Congratulations!


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That’s nice work. Hope it was just for fun. Rare isn’t worth doing unless you can run through it with minimal item use. You’ve got a whole month to level heroes up; then it won’t be too hard. Example: this team didn’t need to use any of the items.

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Congrats, @jinbatsu. I’m glad something I suggested was helpful. My own Gato served with distinction in the latest raid war. Hopefully, the experience and advice here will have you in much better shape for next month’s event. Always glad to give a little advice on developing rosters. Just @ mention me.

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