So I’ve hit a bit of a wall in raids. My current team power is around 3500, and as much as I try to get into the diamond club, I can’t quite get there. I tend to hover around 2200 cups. I’m working on leveling my heroes, but I’ve gotten some feedback that some of my choices could be improved.
Current Team:
Some of the feedback I’ve gotten:
Caedmon’s debuff is helpful, but his single target damage isn’t high enough
Proteus is better on offense than defense
Also, I won’t have the mats to fully ascend Evelyn for… a while, so I’m happy to replace her. At this point, I’m really only convinced with Kage and Guin. I’d love to get some feedback on what changes I should make to improve the team. I included my roster below - I don’t expect any new heroes anytime soon and I only have the mats for… one blue OR red 5*, so the three spots (in addition to Kage and Guin) should be 3 4* or 2 4* and one of a red/blue 5*. It took me a year to get the mats to ascend Kage and Guin, so I don’t expect to be able to level another purple/yellow anytime soon.
Anyways, here’s the team I think I should train up:
Did you put Tib on the left and move Kage to the right for personal preference, or because of the left-to-right firing of specials?
This actually would be an ideal lineup for me because Kiril is fully leveled and Tib is in the final ascension, just not to his talent grid yet, so I could focus on finishing him up and then getting Magni ready.
My biggest piece of advice: your defense team isn’t what gets you into diamond. Attacking gets you into diamond. For that you need variety. I’d worry more about being able to raid opponents with higher amounts of trophies. You want a lot of those 4* maxed for that. I only have 6 maxed 5* and I made it to top 34 globally just by standard raids.
My defense isn’t great, but that isn’t what is most important. For yours: I’d say go just the one healer. Definitely Guin tank with Kage on flank. Maybe Tiburtus on the other side? Kiril on wing,
I don’t think one part (offense/defense) is more important. It’s about balance, and that’s kind of the problem now. On offense I can gain ground, but when I’m waiting for flags, my defense team isn’t able to hold, so I end up just banging my head on the wall.
Which, ultimately, is still something I’m happy about because I feel like I’m getting as far as I can with the tools I have. I feel like if I could just stop giving back ground, I’d be fine. After all, many of my cups from 500-1500 were from failed raids on my defense.
They are not all fully leveled, but I don’t think it’d take all that long to max a 4*. Granted a line up using Tib and Kiril as I mentioned, would greatly reduce my time to train cause I already trained them.
Thanks for your input. I’m really looking for a lineup that has at least Kage/Guin and then likely another 5* (either blue or red, although I’m not impressed with any of the red 5s I have on my roster today).