Help me decide who to lb2, ty

  • Green knight (atk up)
  • Diochan (atk up)
  • Sekhmet (couter)
  • Black knight (taunt)
  • Arco (def up)
  • Anubis ( special armour )
  • Lu bu ( fiend )

0 voters

this is my team…

It is hard to vote without knowing your bench. If you dont have any taunter, BK is good. All heroes are good ones, you wont feel guilty if you choose any of them.

Edit after seeing roster: i still say costumed BK. He will give you plenty of time to build up mana and use skills.

For me, healers dont deserve 2nd limit break. They are already fine with 20 emblems.

i only have erlang lb2, didnt think it matters but u are right, ty

Without knowing your bench, I chose Arco, with that you can’t possibly go wrong…in attack and defense

A lot depends on your playstyle. Do you prefer blitzkrieg attacks or slow buildup with lots of buffs? Which heroes do you rely on the most? What other non-LB heroes do you use that they would combine with?

Most people here answer with their preference but that isn’t necessarily what would work best for you. In isolation I would probably say Arco (I tend to use healers a lot) but maybe BK or Liu Bei fits better in your style.

in def i use green knight, erlang, diaochan, sekhmet, gaillard so i preffer green knight over arco… i see everyone points at arco, is hard to decide. ty for respose