I am asking for help in arranging with these heroic defenses. These are my cards that I have. I will be grateful for advice on who to raise them to the last level.
I will be grateful to build this defense with the heroes whom I have at the maximum or on the third level. Thank you for your help
You could consider leveling: Wilbur, BT, Proteus, Kageburado, Alberich, Jackal, Buddy, Triton. Nice gang!
As for your current defense team, maybe Albi, Tiburtus BT, Proteus, Jackal. Put it up and test.
With your current deck, I’d use:
Alberich / Tibertus / Gormek / Proteus / Wu Kong
Most everything else is too fragile (not high enough level). Wilbur is at a good level but it’s usually poor design to double the tank color.
You should focus hero training so that you have one hero per color. Use matched-color feeders, e.g. give your green 1* to the green project.
My recommendations:
- Purple: Tibertus to 3/60 then Rigard. First hero to ascend should be Proteus then Rigard.
- Yellow: Jackal
- Blue: Triton then Snya
- Green: Buddy, then Kashhrek. Buddy first to final ascension.
- Red: Colen to 3/60. Boldtusk should ascend next.
I hope this helps!
What does BT-Boldusk or something else mean in your answer?
Yes, BT = Boldtusk. Sorry for jargon!