Help defence 5 *

Hi, what would be my best defence with current heroes? Is It worth to go with kunchen, or some of the red?

Planing to do spend some gems next month…

Have most of the 4 star heroes.


Kunchen is very good hero, people like Azlar (me not) and his attack stat is good for titans.
Them both are good choice for max


Okay, but I’d bring Delilah instead of Leo.

Delia Eve Mitsi Sarta Mag


Eve, magni, Mitsuko, Leo, sartana. Thats my defence team :slight_smile: When I get the mats i replace Leo with delilah…

When mats, thinking replace magni with aegir… What you thinking about that? Or should I max Frida?

And how about Lianna insted of evelyn?

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Aegir is really good after buff and Frida is powerfull on red titans so
Aegir>Frida for def team
Aegir<Frida for titan team
I prefer Frida here beacuse Mitsy/Delila can work as a tank.

Lianna+Eve combo have one big problem in defence team, Eve debuff 3 or less enemies and Lianna must hit debuffed enemy for oneshot.
Solo Lianna is more dangerous than Eve in def team team.

Eve/Magni both fast.
Lianna/Frida slightly better buff.

I’d prefer fast, but both options seem to be cool.