Hel? Seems like heaven to me

I recently drew Hel on the last Atlantis summons. Was a one time, middle of the night spur of the moment, draw. I was like wtf?! Needless to say, the game did not work as intended, putting me back to sleep… lol. Anyway, I don’t see hardly any topics on her. My understanding she was the first hotm. I just started playing in Feb? ish and she’s my first 5*. I’ve got her up 4.13 or so, and I’ve found her mana stop indispensable and has turned losing raids into wins. So I don’t have a large roster yet, but have her paired with BT, Sonya, Li Xiu, and Melendor. I’m leveling Wilbur and also Boril. Any thoughts in general on her and others heroes she would be effective with? Also, tanking BT, should Hel move to tank?

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She’s excellent, particularly on Offense — though she’s very workable as a tank or flank on Defense too.

I’d certainly pick her as tank once at a high level.

EDIT: thanks @havok333 totally missed Hel was at 4-13.

So in that case, I’d max her, or at least get her farther along — same warning on intense feeder costs as you get up in levels, though:

Based on when you started playing, I’d be cautious about focusing leveling 5* at this point. It’s important to have a solid bench of core 4* heroes before focusing on 5* heroes, or you’ll have a much harder time in Epic Challenge Events (an important source of ascension mats) and War. And 5* heroes take a HUGE amount of feeder heroes and ham to level.


When she’s maxed out, would certainly use her for tank rather than BT.

I’m super-duper jelly!

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They mentioned Hel was already 4.13, so may as well git r done.


Totally missed that, thanks!

Don’t personally have a Hel, but songs of praise to her name resound throughout the forums. I think she’ll serve you well for the rest of your time in the game as there are few that outclass her or match her in most scenarios. Maybe not as a defensive tank, but I think that’s it.

Congrats and much jealous. :raised_hands::clap::clap::clap:

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Congratulations! Stars are aligned with you.

Not only drawing one of the best heroes but also having the mats to ascend her to tier 4! For some people, it could be several months to get the 4* mats.

Hel was my first 5* and still my favorite hero. She is a game changer especially on offense, and great on defense as well even in end game.
Congrats on the awesome pull :slight_smile:

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Many apologies to zephyr and havok… mistyped 4 for 3.13… she’s 3.18 now. However, the heroes I mentioned are the only 4 plus I have. My food is mostly full and I’ve got tc13, and the other 2 low costs running full time. I don’t have much to level besides her. BT is now 4.33, and Hel still has a couple point higher power rating. I’ve got ascension mats for Melendor to get to 4 plus, but Sonya, Li Xiu and Hel are missing items. I guess lvl to what I can, then lvl 3*?

Anyway thanks to all for the feedback, couldn’t find much on her, but very happy I lucked out.

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Congratulation on Hel’s pull. She is definately one hell of a game changer.
Just starting to assemble my 5 * team and have to content with Richard as a tank.
I wish I had Hel…

That seems like a good plan, since you don’t have a big queue to level, and probably will continue not to until you get to tc20 and can run multiple for several weeks to get more 4*.

In the meantime, 3* have renewed value in the game with Emblems available in Rare Challenge Event Completion Loot, 3* Raid Tournaments, and the diversity of heroes needed for Class Trials.

So leveling good 3* will certainly have payoff too, particularly when you’re lacking 4* heroes to work on.

Thanks all on the congrats and advice.