Heimdall defense team help

Just got heimdall, curious what sort of heros would you run with a heimdall tank? What are your favorites?

If people are curious here are some of my maxed 5star heros off hand: Jean Francois , anzagoth, onatel, inari, Frida, magni, hel, kadilen.

I have enough rings also to max either Marjana, khagen or elana (been holding off for tyr)

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Jean Hel Toot Ona Mag

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Cool suggestion! But isnt jean better in flank the wing? Shouldn’t I go something like magni, JF, toot, ona, hel?

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Jf is better in flank than wing

But average mana on wing are worse than jf on wing

So sometimes u gotta look at the greater evil instead of the greater good

Plus stopping or slowing mana is too little too late from wing position imo


Agreed for stopping or slowing mana, for defense I find I’d really only need a onatel or a hel in the right flank but I have a severe lack of 5star black heros, I have only gimble and boss wolf unleveled

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Is this war defense or raid defense?

Either is fine, I’m trying it out for war as well, though depending on the war effect I change my line up anyways

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Just didnt know if you guys run coordinated tanks for wars

I’ll think on it a minute and see what i would do

Nah I’m kinda in a mediocre alliance, 3 of us are pushing to do this with green tanks now that we have 2 telly and now my heimdall

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Think I’d go with what olmor said for now

I’d also set your rings aside for gm just in case you get him(even though it’s unlikely)

Would set any tabbards u currently have aside for clarissa

If u get 1 or both of those heroes, it’ll be big improvements to both offense and defense

Would crit troop hemdall
Mana troop hel and onatel, especially if you have lvl 23 mana troops. If no lvl 23 then I’d crit troop your front 3. Preferably with crit troops at least at lvl 9

I’ve heard talks of Clarissa but cant find what she does? Shes May’s hero right?

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She’s an exact copy of gm except she’s purple and her elemental link buffs defense vs special skills

Oooh spicy, I’ll save my pulls from april for her

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What is her class? Is she competing for emblems?

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Eh I’d probly still do some in april just cause malosi will be the closest thing to grazul that you can get for yellow

But not everyone is a fan of him so that is literally just what I would do

Clarissa is paladin

So no direct conflicts with your current heros though idk what class hemi is

Yeah I’ll probably do some but tbh I tried real hard for telly and my wallet could use a break too hahaha

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Toot is paladin as well, sadly that’s the only conflict

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Makes sense

I hate yellow anyways and there’s not a whole lot SG has in the works that will change that

The only yellow I have that I love but dont have leveled yet is gazelle… gazelle is a offensive beast

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If he’s tanky enough and you can lvl a green 4* crit troop to 19

Then I’d probly just split emblems between clarissa and hem

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