Healer heavy war defence

Dear community, just canvassing opinion on a potential war defence team. I’m mostly thinking where field aid is arrow barrage. I wouldnt normally worry about an all healer team, I’d mana up all my heroes whole sustaining little damage then target one healer at a time and take them out one after another. I think this team would be a bit harder to do that against and rely on the continual arrow barrage to help the normal damage with Gravemaker dealing soms damage. Alternatively I could Tank with Aegir or Alberich. Any thoughts or suggestions welcome please.

I think some players reach a point where heal heavy defenses are bit difficult but it’s bit shortlived.

If you use this defense, i would consider it temporary and have somethin else cookin to replace it in the long term and would replace this team piece by piece as other pieces are ready

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i would keep heimdhal as tank and gm as right wing/flank (flank if you go and use a punnishing fast blue flank on left too)
mn and the other 2 unemblemed healers are not an ok choice for top wars

I find it strange, that you use your only damage dealer as tank or do you have red tanks for war ?

Just thinking about mixing it up for a change. This is the usual gang.

Intrigued as to why you don’t rate Mother North for war?

i love MN

in wing left MN is a must,
but also a must is rainbow def and meta:

  • MN as tank is just awful (works only for vfast T as tank)
  • meta is green tank with vela flank

I love healer heavy teams, they are the easiest to kill. Anything with more than 2 healers is a gift.


I tend to use a more heal heavy defense team but i also make sure to have 2 sniper characters as well. My team setup goes as follows, Mother North, Seshat, Aegir, Kunchen, Joon. It seems that i tend to be attacked around 9 times a war with 3 being kills. Which normally has them banking around 350 points.

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I never recommend heavy healer AW set up. If you cant kill enemy, you are bound to lost the game. Normally; two AOE heroes, two snipers and nice healer/tank would be nice to use.

Another thing is tank dies first in many cases, there are of course exceptions but, your gravemaker will be able to fire 1 or 2 times at most. All your other heroes are slow and there is no way to kill attacker heroes. If your alliance uses -Red- tank, left mother north and gravemaker and replace all other heroes. If you share your other heroes, we could come up with better defense desing :wink:

I am also not a fan of healer heavy defense. However, we had a member who put Viv, Aegir and Kunchen in his war defense and it performed surprisingly well. But I didn’t analyze it over the long run or the enemies and war modes and don’t remember the damage dealers he brought. But it took the enemy up to 8 flags to take him down…

Depends on your war competition, but I’ve seen healing heavy defenses do well.

Like others said though, there’s no killing power on the team. Would be better if you had a different tank perhaps (one that hits all) and maybe instead of Viv, a sniper like Kage. Or at least a sniper in the wing.

Against mono viv is going down, all the teams have dispel included in their defense debuff.

Heimdall is much better in flank than wing. Maybe MN - Kunch - GM (or some other AE) - Heimdall - Kage