
Buenas tardes.
Como he leído 20 veces como añadir un nuevo post en que un determinado héroe no está usando sus habilidades correctamente lo añado aquí.

Al lanzar habilidad y acumular el Daño durante los tres primeros turnos. No trabaja correctamente. Si durante el periodo de tres turnos acumula daño y generas nuevamente la recarga de Mana, la lanzas, el daño aculado en la primera “ No se realiza. Se pierde”

Hola Luzaiko

Te comento que el foro de “Bugs & Issues” es para hablar en inglés. Hay foros de idioma extranjero para hablar español.

Gullinbursti no lanza el daño si es que activas nuevamente la habilidad mientras la anterior aún no terminó. Debes esperar a que termine para que lance el daño y luego vuelves a usar la habilidad. (Antes sí que provocaba el daño pero eso se cambió).

Question is about Gullinbursti not dealing damage when second activating his skill while it’s already activated. But that is working as intended.


Ce-ar fi să ne apucăm toți să vorbim ca la noi în cartier, să nu mai priceapă nimeni nimic… stai, acum cred c-ar trebui să-mi dau flag pentru limbi străine… mai bine traduc…

“How about we all start speacking like we do in our neighbourhood, so that nobody understands anything anymore… wait, I should flag my self for foreign language now… better if I translate it…”

As my English is very basic, I explained to me in my language, excuse me.

There’s a forum section destinated to foreign languages, maybe you could post there next time. Best of luck!

Forgive but at the end of the effect “does Damage”. but it’s not like that. the damage is lost. the ability is clear and says "when the skill ends it is spent it does the damage. and it is not. at the end of the skill for any reason other than those three turns. it does not do the damage. it is lost.

Pensaba y creía que podíamos referir un fallo en cualquier idioma.
Lo modifico.


Yep, that damage fizzles, but it’s not the only case in E&P.
Some skills require you to make a choice between getting the long term max from them and getting an immediate advantage.
Such decisions include incremental def debuff, charge mana speed heroes and many more.

In Gullinbursti’s case refiring the skill updates the counter so it doesn’t get to zero and it doesn’t apply damage.
It’s up to you to choose if you want to do that because you want heal/overhp or need damage the most.

Choosing is gaming so… happy gaming :wink:

Thank you so much. a greeting

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Buenos días.
Gracias Compañer@

Un Saludo

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