Gullinbursti or Mother North

I’ve had Gullinbursti in my main team for a while but recently managed to get Mother North a while back. Im very close to maxing her out level wise.

My question is should Mother North replace Gullinbursti in my main team? I don’t really want both in my main. Im a one healer per team kind of player.

100% Yes MN


I have never really found much use for C MN in my raiding teams - she does get a seat in W3K and some wars. Her main use has been in a rush war defense.

Personally I find Gulli much more useful, the damage (which is unaffected by most buffs/debuffs) is good and the overheal is good too. MN is far more situational in her usefulness. The main thing she has going for her is better defensive stats.

…and the power of resurrection! Another vote for MN :trophy:


I find the yellow piggy more dangerous than MN…yes MN can resurrect which is definitely annoying but its situational… I find dangerous only when the resurrected enemies have their mana full.

On the other hand I tend to avoid defenses with Gullini… he overheals and deals good damage that bypasses most buffs. Yes, you can bring in a dispeller but his overheal will remain.

Not saying that MN is bad, I have lost a lot of matches because of her. However, I reroll when I see :pig:

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