Guilty pleasure playlist or songs we listen to but won't admit (except to everyone on E&P forum)

Okay, so I’ve made a decision.
Until @NicoX comes back, I’ll be posting and tagging him while trying to come up with the trashiest songs I can remember.


Oh, I understand! The longer he stays away, the more trashy songs he has to listen to when he returns! Brilliant strategy!


This is for you @NicoX! Can’t wait for your return!


Great minds think alike :heart:

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Day #2.

@NicoX, it feels like ages.

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I’m afraid it’s too late for that @NicoX:


JFC! That’s an extreme measure. :sob:

You guys do realize that I just have to not click on it if I don’t want to hear it, right? :joy:

Here’s one for you. “You’re butchering one or my favorite songs? Don’t care, still love you!”


your strategy worked @Theo87 @Pike ! brilliant ! we smoked @NicoX out

actually we probably should smoke him, smoked duck does taste good


Is this allowed!? I mean, what does Amnesty International say about this!? :scream:

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@NicoX this song is only for you. Your echo will live with us forever. You were delicious.


He does make a half-decent drink. I also like his new take on doing dishes.


I don’t know about Amnesty International, but this song is at the origin of the Geneva Convention, which was signed after the Swedish Taliban used it to torture POW’s during the Vietnam Punic Hundred Year’s Opium Wars of the Roses, in 79 BC.

Such a shame. I would’ve been a hero back then, but now I’m just a guy who likes a sh*tty song.

This is the song which plays at my funeral? Sounds about right.

Also, how does this guy manage to have both a mullet and a ponytail? It should be physically impossible.

Lots and lots of hairspray

Speaking of Hairspray


It worked, didn’t it? Now I’m sorry you’re back, you spoiled my and Pike’s plan :joy:

And I’ll have you know… The only thing I appreciate about that All Saints song is that the people who’ve heard it have probably wished they never did. Except you, obviously. I mean, my song choices are questionable at best, but this takes the cake for now.

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:point_up: For some reason, the 1998 UK is with me. I’m not exactly sure what happened there back then, but it is scary. :rofl:

Hard disagree. It’s truly awful, but it barely registers on this thread’s scale. I can always try to top it though. :joy:

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Ain’t it amazing that UK spawned such awesome musicians and artists (I mean, Olympic Games in London, the opening ceremony, was one of the best ever), and then… All Saints top the charts. Amazing :joy:

But, in their defense… I love the second song, sorry :joy:

Imma go with a classic now. I’m not sure if Lambada is trashy :thinking:

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With a little imagination you can make everything better. Even Britney. Or worse? I love it.


You are so lost and confused right now. Let me help you find yourself with this soothing lullaby.

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